This is a simple memory game built with React. The objective of the game is to pick cards without picking the same card twice. The game keeps track of the current score and the highest score.
To run this project, you will need to have Node.js and npm installed on your system. You can download Node.js from the official website.
To set up the project, clone the repository to your local machine and install the dependencies by running the following command in your terminal:
git clone
cd memory-game
npm install
npm run dev
The development server will run on port 5173. You can open the CV form in your browser by visiting http://localhost:5173.
The code for this project is located in the src
directory. The main component of the game is the App.jsx
file. Let's go through the code step by step to understand how it works:
The App.jsx
file is the main component of the game. It imports the necessary React hooks and components, and defines the main functionality of the game.
import { useState, useRef, useEffect } from "react";
import data from "./data.json";
import Card from "./components/Card";
import ScoreBoard from "./components/ScoreBoard";
import "./App.css";
import { wrapGrid } from "animate-css-grid";
* Renders the main App component.
* @returns {ReactElement} The rendered App component.
export default function App() {
const [current, setCurrent] = useState(0); // current score
const highest = useRef(0); // highest score
const [picked, setPicked] = useState([]); // track picked cards
const deck = useRef(shuffledDeck(handlePick)); // shuffled deck of cards
const [showScoreBoard, setShowScoreBoard] = useState(true); // flag to show/hide score board
let message = useRef("Don't pick twice"); // message to display
if (localStorage.getItem("highest")) {
highest.current = +localStorage.getItem("highest");
} else {
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