
Keras scripts for training DNNs used for super-resolution imaging

Primary LanguagePython

Super-resolution imaging using DNNs

Installing dependencies

  • Anaconda3 is recommended as the default python enviroment.

  • Run pip from the terminal/command prompt on the requirement file to install the needed dependencies. For cpu based tensorflow :

    foo@foobar:~$ pip install -r requirements-cpu.txt
  • For Tensorflow GPU support, first need to install CUDA 9.0 and CuDNN 7.1. See https://www.tensorflow.org/install/gpu for instructions. Then run :

    foo@foobar:~$ pip install -r requirements-gpu.txt

Generating database

  • First, need to create hdf5 databses which are very space efficient and quick to read from disk

  • Use makeHDF5.py to create these files. You must provide the path to the config_db.toml file which contains the settings for your database

    foo@foobar:~$ python makeHDF5.py ./config_db.toml
  • Some key settings inside the config_db.toml file :

    • image_sets ~ a list of paths to folders containing the images to include in the database

    • kfold ~ the number of cross folds. If kfold is set to 5, the script will generate 5 hdf5 files each with randomly distributed patches from different image files. Patches from any image are found only in one hdf5 file.

    • num_patches ~ the number of patches to take from each image

    • original_patches ~ the crop size for each patch. Can list several sizes, but they must be smaller than original image size. All patches are square.

    • resized_patches ~ the size to which each of the original patches are resized to. Can list several sizes, but only sizes where original size is greater will be taken into account.

    • normalize ~ if set to true, all image patches will be scaled to values between 0.0 and 1.0.

Defining models

  • Models are defined in modelLib.py

  • Some configuration of the model like input size and output size etc. can be parameterized and set from config_train.toml for fast experimentation

Training models

  • Once you have hdf5 files and models defined, use train.py to train your models

    foo@foobar:~$ python train.py ./config_train.toml
  • Some key settings inside the `config.toml are :

    • x ~ this is the name of the database entry in the hdf5 files to use as input (e.g. org_64_rsz_32 for patches of size 64 x 64 from the original image which were resized to 32 x 32)

    • y ~ this is the name of the database entry in the hdf5 files to use as the target for the model (e.g. org_64 for patches of size 64 x 64)

    • train ~ list of paths to hdf5 files which will be used as training set. If more than one path provided, cross validation will be performed

    • val ~ list of paths to hdf5 files which will override the default test set during cross validation

    • modelArch ~ the name of the model as defined in modelLib.py

    • modelDir and modelName ~ path at which to save model weights and other results