
this program evalutes the characteristics fo spring mass damper system

Primary LanguagePython


this program evalutes the characteristics fo spring mass damper system the following were the objectives of this software (a) to design a Sping mass damper dashpot to evaluate the effect of vibrations on payload mass and its trajectory displacement , the output is given in the link (b) we studied the following assignment to design this system : the details are given below :


General advice Read the marking scheme. There is no single correct answer to the assignment; however there are many wrong answers. You will need to justify your choice of design through discussion, calculations and validation with your ADAMS model. You must perform hand calculations and compare them to the results from your ADAMS model. You do not know your ADAMS model is correct unless you attempt to validate it using calculations. Reports which do not use hand calculations to predict the response will be awarded a lower mark. However, you do not necessarily need to compare every answer. Use tables and graphs to display large amounts of information. Use graphs to compare the results and discuss. The report has no word limit, so you must decide how to present your work in a concise manner whilst still giving evidence of how much work you have done. As a guide, between 2000 and 3000 words for the main body of text should suffice (text in figure captions, graphs, appendices etc. are not counted). How many graphs are required? This is dependent on how you analyse the model. You may wish to present more graphs to show your design iterations.

General report writing advice In the Introduction, give the aims and objectives of the work. Describe the project and give some background information (research). Do not simply copy and paste the assignment brief. Split the report into sections e.g. Results; Discussion; Conclusions: References etc… Each figure should have a reference and caption written below the figure. Likewise, each graph should have a title and each table should have a table number and caption (written above the table). If you have included a figure in your report, you must describe it and reference the figure within the text e.g. “The free body diagram in Figure 1 shows…”. If you find you have not referenced it in your text, then it wasn’t a necessary figure! Make marking and reading the report easy – explain the figures, discuss the graphs, etc., don’t expect your reader to work them out - they may come to a different conclusion. Include references in your report (where necessary). These should be listed at the end of the document in the correct format and cross referenced within the document to show the source of the information or specific fact.

Adams Model Do not write a “how to” guide of how you built the model. You should discuss the important features of your model e.g. where the connections are, what joints and why, what forces/motions you have applied etc. Your report should not be what buttons you pressed to see screenshots of toolbars. Your background research should have given you at least some of the parameters that you need to begin building a model – your dimensions do not have to perfectly match an existing system. You must justify your design choices and show consideration of the actual linkage mechanism. Is your mechanism realistic, if not why not? Your ADAMS model should adequately show the mechanism that you are proposing for the suspension. You may use simplified models for validation (especially for hand calculations), but a model which demonstrates the actual mechanism is expected (it does not have to be in 3D). Build your model up in stages, starting simple and then getting more complex. Only your final model is required for submission, but that does not prevent you from showing your design iterations in the report. You need to generate one model which meets all of the criteria. 120 mm rear wheel travel is a simple measure of whether your design/dimensions allow adequate movement. When you have specified and modelled what you think are appropriate spring/damper properties (by research and initial calculation), you need to analyse whether the system is capable of giving a response to the absolute bump limit (a vertical load equivalent to 3 m/s2) which would be ok for the rider. If they are found to be unsuitable, then you need to modify them to achieve this (you define what you think the rider would be ok with, with reference to your research - this could be for displacement, force, velocity or acceleration). The bump limit can be applied to the system in several ways dependant on how you have set up your model. Find a way to check the maximum travel is not exceeded. Maximum rider comfort and minimum force transmissibility to the bike: again, comfort is defined by you and as before, how you input the road profile is dependent on how you have set up your model. You will need to look at responses at frequencies (representing the different road speeds) – this should enable you to get a good comparison of the system’s transmissibility. Is the natural frequency of your bike likely to be excited by a particular road speed? If so, what does the graph and model predict will happen? Is it a speed which is likely to be used often? What can be done to improve the situation? At each stage, you should discuss any differences between hand calculations and model simulations (if there are any) and comment on why these may be present and what could be done to improve comparisons. Your report should give sensible conclusions based on the data gathered and attempt to suggest improvements either to the system, the model, or the way it has been analysed.


The script successfully achieve the objective in the document file attached above!

for live testing click the following link https://replit.com/@ShahrukhShah/DashPot-S-M-D-System#main.py