
Exploring mixup strategies for text classification

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains implementation of mixup strategy for text classification. The implementation is primarily based on the paper Augmenting Data with Mixup for Sentence Classification: An Empirical Study , although there is some difference.

Three variants of mixup are considered for text classification

  1. Embedding mixup: Texts are mixed immediately after word embeedding
  2. Hidden/Encoder mixup: Mixup is done prior to the last fully connected layer
  3. Sentence mixup: Mixup is done before softmax

Run Supervised Training with Mixup Augmentation

from tqdm import tqdm

SAMPLES_PER_CLASS = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250]
N_AUGMENT = [0, 2, 4, 8, 16]
DATASETS = ['bace', 'bbbp']
METHODS = ['embed', 'encoder', 'sent']
OUTPUT_FILE = 'eval_result_mixup_augment_v1.csv'

for method in METHODS:
  for dataset in DATASETS:
      for sample in SAMPLES_PER_CLASS:
          for n_augment in N_AUGMENT:
              for i in tqdm(range(N_TRIALS)):
                  !python train_bert.py --dataset-name={dataset} --epoch={EPOCHS} \
                  --batch-size=16 --model-name-or-path=shahrukhx01/muv2x-simcse-smole-bert \
                  --samples-per-class={sample} --eval-after={EPOCHS} --method={method} \
                  --out-file={OUTPUT_FILE} --n-augment={n_augment}
                  !cat {OUTPUT_FILE}