This repository contains implementation of mixup strategy for text classification. The implementation is primarily based on the paper Augmenting Data with Mixup for Sentence Classification: An Empirical Study , although there is some difference.
Three variants of mixup are considered for text classification
- Embedding mixup: Texts are mixed immediately after word embeedding
- Hidden/Encoder mixup: Mixup is done prior to the last fully connected layer
- Sentence mixup: Mixup is done before softmax
from tqdm import tqdm
SAMPLES_PER_CLASS = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250]
N_AUGMENT = [0, 2, 4, 8, 16]
DATASETS = ['bace', 'bbbp']
METHODS = ['embed', 'encoder', 'sent']
OUTPUT_FILE = 'eval_result_mixup_augment_v1.csv'
for method in METHODS:
for dataset in DATASETS:
for sample in SAMPLES_PER_CLASS:
for n_augment in N_AUGMENT:
for i in tqdm(range(N_TRIALS)):
!python --dataset-name={dataset} --epoch={EPOCHS} \
--batch-size=16 --model-name-or-path=shahrukhx01/muv2x-simcse-smole-bert \
--samples-per-class={sample} --eval-after={EPOCHS} --method={method} \
--out-file={OUTPUT_FILE} --n-augment={n_augment}