Star Trek Client:

A client side project which uses a Star Trek API (created by myself - repo here) to display information on species in the Star Trek universe.

Star Trek logo

Tech Used:

HTML, CSS and Javascript

Project Information:

This client side Star Trek project provides details about the species in the Star Trek universe. It is like a Pokedex for Star Trek. The user submits the species name as an input in the search bar and gets information about the species back.


The project was intended to make use of the Star Trek API I had created and demonstrate how the information could be presented to the user in a neat way. I found a cool LCARS template to work with thanks to Trekkie Jim. Every time a user submits an input, a request gets sent to the Star Trek API server and it responds with the json data for the species. The client side Javascript parses the json and updates the inner text fields.

ICYDK: In the Star Trek fictional universe, LCARS is a computer operating system.


Check out the Star Trek API I made here.