
Implementation of the APE Lite API for iPhone OS (ARM) using MobileSubstrate

Primary LanguageC++


APELite+arm is an implementation of the APE Lite API for iPhone OS (ARM) using MobileSubstrate. Although APELite+arm involves heavy hacking, it does work on non-jailbroken devices.


Requirements: iPhone SDK 3.1.3


Running the setup script will download and install APE Lite and MobileSubstrate.

Running make will create a new APELite.o object file with ARM support. You can check with file APELite.o. The original APELite.o file (ppc/i386/x86_64) is preserved in the APE Lite directory.


  1. Add APELite.h and the newly created APELite.o to your Xcode project.
  2. If your project does not include any C++, add -lstdc++ to the Other Linker Flags (OTHER_LDFLAGS) build setting of your target.
  3. Have fun with APEFindSymbol() and APEPatchCreate()


  • Implement APEPatchGetAddress() and APEPatchSetAddress()