
Best Android Fragments Library

Manage your fragments effectively!
  1. Implement Fragments in Activity
  2. Implement Fragments in Fragment
  3. Download Library



Implement Fragments in Activity


public class ExampleA extends FragmentActivity {

          //Create a builder.
		FragmentBuilder builder = new FragmentBuilder();
		//Set your fragment, container and backStack.
		//Container = your inner view
		//Fragment = your custom  Fragment, ListFragment, MapFragment, DialogFragment...
		//backStack = true / false for your choice
		builder.set(, new FragmentA(), true);
		builder.set(, new FragmentB(), true);
		builder.set(, new FragmentC(), false);
		//Create MrFragment
		MrFragment mrFragment = new MrFragment(this, builder);

		//Mr Fragment Methods:
		//1) Add.
		//2) Replace.
		//3) Remove.

		// Replace Fragment A to Fragment C
		mrFragment.replace("FragmentA", new FragmentC(), true);

		// Remove Fragment B


Implement Fragments in Fragment


public class ExampleB extends Fragment {
	public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
		//Infalte your view,
		View root = inflater.inflate(R.layout.in_fragment, null);
		//Reference to "Container" in your layout
		FrameLayout frame = (FrameLayout) root.findViewById(;

		// The Point, call MrInFragment
		// Set context.
		// Set Container.
		// Set your Custom Fragment, ListFragment, MapFragment, Dialog Fragment...
		new MrInFragment(mContext, frame, new FragmentB());

		return root;


Download Library

Mr. Fragment Library