
replicate a Facebook request using an Express server

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Interview Assignment: Recreate Facebook Request with Express

Your primary goal is to replicate a specific Facebook request using an Express server. The details and flow of the task are outlined below.

Task Flow

  1. Objective: Your first task is to recreate a specific Facebook request and embed it within an Express server.
  2. Resources: We will provide you with:
    • An .har network file.
    • An Express boilerplate to kickstart your implementation.
    • got documentation
  3. Network File Examination: You must read the provided .har network file to find the request you need to replicate.
    • Hint: Look for a request sent to the /api/graphql endpoint that includes the string “ProfileCometHeaderQuery” in the HTTP payload.
  4. Replicate the Request: Craft a function to replicate the request. This function should accept a variable profile ID.
  5. Endpoint Implementation: Develop an endpoint in your Express server:
    • The endpoint should take in a profile ID parameter.
    • It should utilize the previously crafted request function to return the response from Facebook.
    • You should handle the following:
      1. Validate the profile ID parameter and if invalid, send a suitable error response.
      2. Implement correct retry mechanisms.
      3. If retries fail, handle those failures gracefully and send a corresponding error response.
  6. Response Format: Ensure that the server returns responses in JSON format.
  7. Server Robustness: It's paramount that your server is robust, meaning it should not crash under any circumstances. Ensure error handling is comprehensive.
  8. Code Separation: Your code should be modular and well-separated.

Important Notes

  • Code Quality: Prioritize code readability and robustness. Your code will be evaluated based on its clarity, structure, and resilience.
  • Communication: Don't hesitate to ask questions. Being communicative and clear about your doubts or the choices you make is vital. If you're uncertain about something or need further clarity, reach out.

We wish you the best with the assignment! We're excited to see your solution. Remember, the journey and your approach are as valuable as the final product. Happy coding!