Angular Max-Pro

This is a MaxPro appication where retailer will get a shopping list to get maximum profit according to his budget.


Shaik Mudassir

Technology used

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node js,Mongoose,Express,Angular


  1. Each retailer have to register and login to application.

  2. After logging in you will find the dashboard where you have to enter the previous month data.

  3. The dasboard contains itemname,profit,price,demand sections.

  4. The retailer have to enter data according to these sections.

  5. Retailer have to enter data one by one separated by comma's.

  6. Ater entering all the data you need to submit the data.

  7. Then,you will get the list of items and quantity which you need to buy.

what is completed

Dashboard to show monthly result MAXPRO page

what is not completed

login and registeration page Welcome page

alt Dashboard

alt list

alt output