
Examples of JavaScript DOM.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

JavaScript - Document Object Model

Document Object Model (DOM) is an programming interface for web document.

When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a Document Object Model of the page.

The HTML DOM model is constructed as a tree of Objects.

So that JavaScript can get access to change all the elements of the document.

Document will have methods and properties.

  • methods are actions performed on document.
  • properties are values of document that can be set or change.


  • document.querySelector()

    const paragraph = document.querySelector('p'); // html tag
    const paragraph = document.querySelector('.class-name'); // class 
    const paragraph = document.querySelector('#id-name'); // id
    • select the element based on the type of input given to the function.
    • have to use CSS selector as input that includes html tags, class selectors or id selectors.
    • in above example, html <p> tag will be selected and returns the it.
  • document.querySelectorAll()

    const paragraph = document.querySelectorAll('p'); // html tag
    const paragraph = document.querySelectorAll('.class-name'); // class 
    const paragraph = document.querySelectorAll('#id-name'); // id
    • select all the elements based on the type of input given to the function.
    • have to use CSS selector as input that includes html tags, class selectors or id selectors.
    • in above example, all the html <p> tag will be selected and returns them as NodeList.
    • we can easily traverse all the elements of the NodeList using any loop.
  • document.getElementById()

    const paragraph = document.getElementById('para');
    • select the element based on the name of the id.
    • in above example, para id will be selected and returns the it.
  • document.getElementsByClassName()

    const paragraph = document.getElementsByClassName('para');
    • select the element based on the name of the class.
    • in above example, all the para classes will be selected and returns them as HTMLCollection.
    • HTMLCollection is a array but we cannot loop it through for-each loop.
    • can be accessed through indexes.
  • documetn.getElementsByTagName()

    const paragraph = document.getElementsByTagName('p');
    • select the element based on the name of the html tag.
    • in above example, all the html p tags will be selected and returns them as HTMLCollection.
    • HTMLCollection is a array but we cannot loop it through for-each loop.
    • can be accessed through indexes.


  • innerHTML

    • used to set or return the whole element with html tags.
  • innerText

    • used to set or return the text inside element.
    • it return all its children except CSS hidden text spacing and tags.
  • textContent

    • used to set or return the text inside element.
    • it return all its children including CSS hidden text spacing and tags.
    const element = `<p>Html block added by the innerHTML property</p>`
    const text = `sample text`
    paragraph.innerHTML += element;
    paragraph.innerText += text;
    paragraph.textContent += text;

Create & Remove elements

  • createElement() - function which takes input of which element has to be created.
  • remove() - function which will remove the element from the document object.
    const ul = document.querySelector('ul');
    const item = document.createElement('li');
    item.textContent = `This is the item added`;
    const items = document.querySelectorAll('li');


  • getAttribute - used to get the value of element's attribute.
  • setAttribute - used to set the value of element's attribute.
  • hasAttribute - used to check the element has particular attribute.
  • hasAttributes - used to check the element has attributes.
  • removeAttribute - used to remove the particular attribute.
  • createAttribute - used to create a new attribute.

CSS Styles

We can modify or add the css styles to the element by two ways.

  1. style property

    const paragraph = document.querySelector('.para');
    para.style.border = '2px solid pink';
  2. setAttribute property

    const paragraph = document.querySelector('.para');
    para.setAttribute('style', 'display: inline-block');

Add & Remove classes

  • Add classes:

    • adding new classes to the element.
    const paragraph = document.querySelectorAll('p');
  • Remove classes:

    • removing exsisting classes from the element.
    const paragraph = document.querySelectorAll('p');
  • Toggle classes:

    • turning on & off of the classes for the element.
    const paragraph = document.querySelectorAll('p');

Parents, Children & Siblings

  • children - returns HTMLCollection of children.
  • parentNode - returns the parent element.
  • previousElementSibling - returns the previous sibling.
  • nextElementSibling - returns the next sibling.
    const paragraph = document.querySelector('p');

Mouse Events

  • click - event occurs when a click happens on elements.
  • mouseover - event occurs when a mouse pointer enters elements.
  • mousemove - event occurs when a mouse pointer moves on elements.
  • copy - event occurs when copy action happens on elements.
    const button = document.querySelector('.btn');
    button.addEventListener('click', () => {

Keyboard Events

  • keydown - event occurs when the key is pressed.
  • keyup - event occurs when the key is released.
    const input = document.querySelector('input');
    input.addEventListener('keyup', () => {
        console.log('keyup event');

More about Events

  • event-bubbling - event propagates from the target to way up through the document object.
  • event-capturing - event propagates opposite of bubbling similar to top to bottom approach.
  • event-delegation
    • can provide performance benefits by assign the event listener to the parent elements.
    • can be used to add or remove elements from the DOM.
    const list = document.querySelector('ul');
    list.addEventListener('click', (event) => { // listener to the parent
        if(event.target.tagName === 'LI') {
            event.target.remove(); // remove item from list 