
A tool to evaluate BitBucket pull requests and report back various metrics about how the pull request impacts a project.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A tool to evaluate BitBucket pull requests and report back various metrics about how the pull request impacts a project. Presently, only designed to support JavaScript ES6 projects.


NOTE: This project is not currently published.

$ npm install --save-dev bitbucket-pull-request-metrics



Assuming the module was installed globally:

$ bitbucket-pull-request-metrics \
    --username foobar \
    --authToken 123abc \
    --project DEV \
    --repo my-repo \
    --pr 123


--username, -u (string, required)

User's BitBucket username.

--authToken, -t (string, required)

User's BitBucket auth token.

--project, -p (string, required)

BitBucket project's key/name.

--repo, -r (string, required)

The BitBucket project's repository which contains the pull request.

--pr (number, required)

The pull request to inspect.

--host (string, optional)

The protocol and hostname of the BitBucket server. Defaults to "https://bitbucket.org".


// Initialize metrics lib
const metrics = require('bitbucket-pull-request-metrics')({
    host: 'https://bitbucket.org', // Optional parameter. This is the default.
    // The following are all required.
    project: 'DEV',
    repo: 'my-repo',
    username: 'foobar',
    authToken: '123abc'

// Fetch details about PR 123
metrics(123, (err, prMetrics) => {



  • Design to review one PR versus a list of PRs, maybe all currently open, and all for a project? Pagination?
  • Design hooks for static code analysis. Unit test coverage hook,


  • Number of images (screenshots?)
  • Number of commits
  • Number of subsequent additional commits
  • Number of original author comments
  • Number of follow up comments (non-author, or replies)
  • Min/max/median comment thread length
  • Number of days in development
  • Number of days PR stayed open
  • Number of approvals
  • Number of "Needs Work" reviews
  • Number of contributing reviewers (submitted some sort of PR review activity)
    • Number of contributing reviewers who did not approve PR
  • User IDs of contributing reviewers
  • Author user ID
  • PR number, link
  • PR approval status (open/merged/declined)
  • Number of open, completed tasks
  • Min/max/median per-file LOC changes
  • Number of files changed, added, deleted, moved

Supplemental Analysis

  • Plato LOC, complexity, bug estimate, maintainability, deltas per-file
  • Instanbul code coverage delta
  • Esprima comment density delta


  • Suggested PR quality score