- Naive Bayes
- Logistic Regression
- Multi-layer Perceptron
- Random Forest
- Support Vector Machine
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- Check Null Values
- Convert to Lower Case
- Remove Tweet User Name
- Remove Special Characters
- Remove Stopwords (nltk.corpus.stopwords)
- Remove Punctuation
- Remove URL
- Remove Numbers
- Tokenization
- Remove Non-English Word (enchant)
- Stemming (nltk.stem.PorterStemmzer)
- Lemmatization (nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer)
- Bag of Word
Dataset | BoW (%) | TF-IDF (%) | ||||||
Metrics | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F1 | Accuracy | Precision | Recall | F1 |
KNN | 63.67 | 65.38 | 64.18 | 64.71 | 66.34 | 67.69 | 67.43 | 67.56 |
MNB | 73.00 | 74.87 | 74.48 | 74.67 | 72.56 | 75.26 | 73.52 | 74.30 |
GNB | 58.31 | 59.73 | 64.61 | 58.23 | 58.56 | 59.86 | 64.77 | 58.49 |
LR | 74.14 | 75.57 | 75.90 | 75.73 | 74.26 | 75.61 | 76.08 | 75.84 |
MLP | 69.07 | 70.94 | 70.76 | 70.85 | 69.19 | 71.11 | 71.10 | 71.04 |
RF | 62.73 | 69.81 | 58.54 | 60.59 | 62.72 | 70.27 | 58.57 | 60.69 |
SVM | 74.39 | 75.86 | 76.15 | 76.00 | 74.39 | 75.86 | 76.15 | 76.00 |