
Machine Learning Coding Project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Machine Learning Algorithms Used

  • KNN
  • Naive Bayes
  • Logistic Regression
  • Multi-layer Perceptron
  • Random Forest
  • Support Vector Machine

Data Source

kaggle competitions download -c comp90049-2021s2-assignment3

Data Cleaning

  • Check Null Values
  • Convert to Lower Case
  • Remove Tweet User Name
  • Remove Special Characters
  • Remove Stopwords (nltk.corpus.stopwords)
  • Remove Punctuation
  • Remove URL
  • Remove Numbers
  • Tokenization
  • Remove Non-English Word (enchant)
  • Stemming (nltk.stem.PorterStemmzer)
  • Lemmatization (nltk.stem.WordNetLemmatizer)

Feature Extraction

  • Bag of Word
  • TF-IDF


Different ML Algorithms Performance Table

Dataset BoW (%) TF-IDF (%)
Metrics Accuracy Precision Recall F1 Accuracy Precision Recall F1
KNN 63.67 65.38 64.18 64.71 66.34 67.69 67.43 67.56
MNB 73.00 74.87 74.48 74.67 72.56 75.26 73.52 74.30
GNB 58.31 59.73 64.61 58.23 58.56 59.86 64.77 58.49
LR 74.14 75.57 75.90 75.73 74.26 75.61 76.08 75.84
MLP 69.07 70.94 70.76 70.85 69.19 71.11 71.10 71.04
RF 62.73 69.81 58.54 60.59 62.72 70.27 58.57 60.69
SVM 74.39 75.86 76.15 76.00 74.39 75.86 76.15 76.00