
Official support for LG WebOS TV

kingctan opened this issue · 58 comments

Does this player support LG WebOS TV for DASH&playready combination?

I don't think that Shaka team has investigated this platform specifically. Generally speaking, Shaka supports any platform that is spec-compliant, but in my experience these kinds of smart TV platforms are not very mature and require extensive testing, validation, and workarounds. Things are getting better, though.

We will soon be investigating LG WebOS for DASH-PR, so you may soon see tickets related to this platform, and you'll get a better sense for whether or not Shaka will work on these TV's.

We have never tested Shaka Player on this platform, but you can help by running our support page and sending a screenshot:

This will tell us whether or not the platform has the basic capabilities we need, and if so, what specific containers, codecs, and DRM systems it has.

We are using ShakaPlayer with WebOS 3.5 and DASH+Widevine without any problem.

@kingctan Does this answer your question? Is there anything else we can do?

@ismena I have a question. It seems there are at least 3 projects using Shaka on LG WebOS: @kingctan, @avelad, and me. Would Shaka team be willing to adopt this as an officially supported platform?

@chrisfillmore , What versions of WebOS have you tried? I only tried WebOS 3.5.

Let's get our TL to consider it!

@kingctan Does this answer all your questions? Can we close the issue?

If you can send us some documentation on WebOS testing, we could consider adding a WebOS device to our test lab. We can't call it an officially supported platform until we are running tests on it nightly to make sure we don't break it. But in general, expanding our platform coverage is a Good Thing:tm:.

In particular, we would appreciate any tips on how to automate directing the device to an arbitrary URL. That's a key part of the testing process with Karma.

@kingctan Does this answer all your questions? Can we close the issue?

Closing due to inactivity. If this is still an issue for you or if you have further questions, you can ask us to reopen or have the bot reopen it by including @shaka-bot reopen in a comment.

@shaka-bot reopen please

Here is the Shaka support page for the WebOS TV I have:

Mozilla/5.0 (Web0S; Linux/SmartTV) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2125.122 Safari/537.36 WebAppManager

  "manifest": {
    "application/dash+xml": true,
    "application/x-mpegurl": true,
    "application/": true,
    "application/x-offline-manifest": true,
    "mpd": true,
    "m3u8": true,
    "application/": false,
    "ism": false
  "media": {
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"avc1.42E01E\"": true,
    "video/mp4": true,
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"avc3.42E01E\"": true,
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"hev1.1.6.L93.90\"": true,
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"hvc1.1.6.L93.90\"": true,
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"hev1.2.4.L153.B0\"; eotf=\"smpte2084\"": true,
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"hvc1.2.4.L153.B0\"; eotf=\"smpte2084\"": true,
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"vp9\"": false,
    "video/mp4; codecs=\"vp09.00.10.08\"": false,
    "audio/mp4; codecs=\"mp4a.40.2\"": true,
    "audio/mp4": true,
    "audio/mp4; codecs=\"ac-3\"": true,
    "audio/mp4; codecs=\"ec-3\"": true,
    "audio/mp4; codecs=\"opus\"": false,
    "audio/mp4; codecs=\"flac\"": false,
    "video/webm; codecs=\"vp8\"": true,
    "video/webm": true,
    "video/webm; codecs=\"vp9\"": true,
    "video/webm; codecs=\"av1\"": false,
    "audio/webm; codecs=\"vorbis\"": false,
    "audio/webm": false,
    "audio/webm; codecs=\"opus\"": false,
    "video/mp2t; codecs=\"avc1.42E01E\"": false,
    "video/mp2t": false,
    "video/mp2t; codecs=\"avc3.42E01E\"": false,
    "video/mp2t; codecs=\"hvc1.1.6.L93.90\"": false,
    "video/mp2t; codecs=\"mp4a.40.2\"": false,
    "video/mp2t; codecs=\"ac-3\"": false,
    "video/mp2t; codecs=\"ec-3\"": false,
    "text/vtt": true,
    "application/mp4; codecs=\"wvtt\"": true,
    "application/mp4": true,
    "application/ttml+xml": true,
    "application/mp4; codecs=\"stpp\"": true
  "drm": {
    "org.w3.clearkey": {
      "persistentState": false
    "com.widevine.alpha": {
      "persistentState": false
    "": {
      "persistentState": false
    "": null,
    "": null,
    "": null,
    "com.adobe.primetime": null
  "offline": true

The TV is a UJ6500. In "About This TV" it says Software Version 4.70.10, although I'm not totally clear if this is the WebOS version.

Could we reopen this as an official WebOS support issue? I have an internal ticket assigned to me to ensure Shaka works out of the box on LG TV's, so I'm happy to help get this resolved.

Sure thing. I've renamed the issue to reflect that.

@chrisfillmore, based on your support report, I see no reason WebOS shouldn't work. If you can confirm what version of WebOS you have, that would be helpful. @avelad reports that WebOS 3.5 works for him.

For this to be an officially supported platform, and not just a platform that happens to work, we will need to add a WebOS device to our lab environment and integrate it with our test automation. None of that work will affect the open-source library unless we need to adjust any of the tests themselves.

The open question is what version of WebOS we should try to put in our lab. Ideally, we would test on the oldest version we intend to support, which may be 3.5. @chrisfillmore, @avelad, we would be happy to have your input on this.

The other issue is that we may be limited in the WebOS version we can actually purchase. For example, when we tried to purchase a Tizen 2016 TV, we could only find 2017 models in stores. It seems that WebOS 3.5 models are still available, but I'm not sure about earlier models.

I'd prefer that Shaka Player supports WebOS 3.5 or above (WebOS 4 is scheduled for the end of year).

The only "strange" thing that i found in some WebOS TV is related to video resolution, eg:
Model: lg-24MT49S-PZ (this is a low end model) with HD ready resolution (1366x768px) is not able to reproduce streams of 1080p, so I need configure setMaxHardwareResolution with 1366x768

Cool, thanks for the feedback, @avelad!

Ok here's what I've learned so far.


Using WebOS CLI

Testing a WebOS app

WebOS Application Lifecycle

You can launch an app from the command line via something similar to:

ares-launch --device deviceName --params "{'url':''}"

You can listen for this value in WebOS:

document.addEventListener('webOSLaunch', function (event) {
  console.log(event.detail.url); //

Does this help?

Very much, yes! Thank you!

FYI we believe 2017 model WebOS TV's suffer from the same bug described here:!msg/shaka-player-users/DZuG1MzR2DA/R7Fduj_E2OMJ

@avelad Do your media segments include multiple PSSH boxes, or just one?

@chrisfillmore, our media segment only include one PSSH box

Ok thanks. We're going to do some testing with our streams to remove all but one PSSH and see if we are able to play.

I use shaka player on webOS 3.5. Non-encrypted and Widevine DASH .mpd works well.
HLS (with help of mux.js) video looks like slideshow. (On Tizen and Chrome no problem)

DASH + Widevine also working fine on 4.x

2.x fails, only supports Widevine Classic according to

Might be a good test case for resolving #494 if someone still cares.

WebOS 4.x - Playing multi-period dash with Playready or Widevine, play is stopping after first period: Getting following error:


I noticed that the drmInfos in the variants is not set when changing period:


However, when it first loads the drmInfos is set:


@bitsleft, thanks for the info. We haven't started working on WebOS yet, but we're always happy to accept pull requests if you have a fix in mind. Otherwise, I apologize for the delay, but we should have WebOS set up in our test lab later this year.

@avelad Hello,

Do you have an example to implement shaka player with lg webos?

EZDRM commented

does anyone have a build or can test two streams for me as I dont have access to a LG device in our demo lab

I tested streams of Anevia+EZDRM and I has not issues. I also have LG running with other providers without problem.

Combination used:

EZDRM commented

I know that there is no official support here -- Just to report the issues we are seeing:

(Shaka 2.5.6) returns a 6006 error

on Verizon Media dash manifests occasionally. It will playback sometimes while other times failing to generate a license request.

On WebOS 4.7 I'm playing DASH + PlayReady stream with multi audio tracks. At first all plays well, but after switching audio track to another video plays as slideshow (frame by frame without audio). It is also reproduces on your demo page on LG. For tizen all right plays well. I described it in this ticket #2431

On Emulator 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, we are getting this Error when using. DASH + WIDEVINE.
[310][Stream] [Stream] codec not supported: video/mp4;codecs="avc1.42c00d";width="1080";height="540"

Infact with basic Dash. URL we are getting this error. on emulator.

The emulator is very basic, and is not suitable for these tests. You have to use a physical device.

@avelad Thanks. Just ordered a TV for this.

Can you also help in Tizen Playback. How to play Widevine+Dash content. in Tizen TV. Can I use. Shaka Player or any other player. Your input would. be really helpful

Can you also help in Tizen Playback. How to play Widevine+Dash content. in Tizen TV. Can I use. Shaka Player or any other player. Your input would. be really helpful

We're using Shaka for DASH and Widevine on Tizens 3.0+ with no issues.

Thanks for your quick reply. Can. u confirm which version of Shaka you are using. Is below sample fine seems good to you or Is there any other way to implement. The Url specified and the token has expiry time of 3 Hours.

@MilosRasic You input will. be really appreciated as. I. am struggling in it for long time.

var manifestUri = '*~hmac=d86795311ca206c78bfcdac1888168449c7e2d221c7caac633c75e43c7703df0';
var licenseServer = '';

function initApp() {
// Install built-in polyfills to patch browser incompatibilities.

  // Check to see if the browser supports the basic APIs Shaka needs.
  if (shaka.Player.isBrowserSupported()) {
    // Everything looks good!
  } else {
    // This browser does not have the minimum set of APIs we need.
    console.error('Browser not supported!');

}, 3000);


function initPlayer() {
// Create a Player instance.
var video = document.getElementById('video');
var player = new shaka.Player(video);

// Attach player to the window to make it easy to access in the JS console.
window.player = player;

drm: {
servers: { 'com.widevine.alpha': licenseServer }

player.getNetworkingEngine().registerRequestFilter(function(type, request) {
// Only add headers to license requests:
if (type == {
// This is the specific header name and value the server wants:
request.headers['X-AxDRM-Message'] = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.--Z3qhqucTSxGW7XDvz3xvJYFJlosOjHsK7iAAaeVC0';

// Listen for error events.
player.addEventListener('error', onErrorEvent);

// Try to load a manifest.
// This is an asynchronous process.
player.load(manifestUri).then(function() {
// This runs if the asynchronous load is successful.
console.log('The video has now been loaded!');
}); // onError is executed if the asynchronous load fails.

function onErrorEvent(event) {
// Extract the shaka.util.Error object from the event.

function onError(error) {
// Log the error.
console.error('Error code', error.code, 'object', error);

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initApp);

@avelad @MilosRasic
I tried playing DASH+WIDEVINE Content using above mentioned code in TizenTV. I am. getting this Error. The Video is stalled. Can you please help me how to. resolve. it.

I am using Tizen 4 TV. (UA43NU7100)

Please help.

(audio:9) startup complete
streaming_engine.js:1146 (all) setting up Period 0
streaming_engine.js:1140 (all) Period 0 is being or has been set up
streaming_engine.js:1214 (all) Stream 9 is being or has been set up
streaming_engine.js:1214 (all) Stream 5 is being or has been set up
player.js:4580 canSwitch_
simple_abr_manager.js:254 Calling switch_(), bandwidth=9742 kbps
player.js:4644 switch_
streaming_engine.js:803 switch: switching to Stream (video:1)
streaming_engine.js:786 switch: Stream (audio:9) already active
streaming_engine.js:1611 (video:1) looking up segment: presentationTime=3.7916666666666665 currentPeriod.startTime=0
playhead.js:504 Stall detected at 0 for 1.002000093460083 seconds. Seeking forward 0.1 seconds.
streaming_engine.js:960 (all): seeked: buffered seek: presentationTime=0.1

@joeyparrish Can you please help me out.

I am attaching Assets details:

mpd URL ->*~hmac=df4ca0b211046cdb4701935f24cc8cb33ed8d5fa784a7e40d684741bc26b4a3d

License Token (CustomData)(X-AxDRM-Message) -> "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.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.weMvPHsaNHkC6iU2hgjKlZTaRPmRFDsoVKtw0v_P5ug"

License Url --> ""

@avelad @MilosRasic
Above. asset has expiry for 1 week.

@piyush2dev, your latest messages are off-topic. Please don't ask for specific Tizen debugging help on an issue about official support for LG WebOS. There are a number of open Tizen-related issues already, and yours looks similar to #2620, which I've been working on for a while now with no results. I suggest you subscribe to #2620.

I'm using WebOS 3.0 DASH+PlayReady with shaka 2.5.7. And video doesn't play. Returns error code 6001.

Just wanted to report some issue as well, as from what I understood this is the best place to do it.
We have been using Shaka 2.5.17 on WebOS down to 3.5 (TVs from 2016 year) and everything worked fine with Dash + Widevine. However after upgrading to Shaka 3.0.0+ it stopped working. The error we get is:

Failed to execute 'webkitAddKey' on 'HTMLMediaElement': The key system provided ('com.widevine.alpha') is not supported.

And I'm sure Widevine is supported there, it was already working before.
I have tried to find what has changed between 2.5.17 and 3.0.0 and it seems like the changes in the file /polyfills/patchedmediakeys_webkit.js are causing this, but I'm still in the process of finding out which exact change broke this. This whole polyfill was changed quite a lot between those 2 versions as it was migrated to ES6 class, so it makes it a bit hard to find the exact logic changes. If anyone has similar issues and did find a solution, or if anyone has an idea which changes in that file could have break this, please let me know :)

@asgvard, please let us now what you find out about that. We would be very happy to review a PR, but we don't have an LG TV of our own at this time.

@joeyparrish Thank you for your reply!
We have done some investigation, however, it is a bit difficult to trace back all the changes in the initialization flow. I have compared 2 versions side by side and tried to output additional logs (from Shaka library as well as my own ones) to see which steps are different to find a clue about what could be an issue. The differences start from the player.js where it calls initForPlayback method.
In the 2.5.x version it goes into filterAllPeriods, then the next thing that is happening is onLoad_ callback where it first sets Media Keys, and only then creates the Media Key Session. I can also see that in 2.5.x version the session contains one key that has "usable" status.
In the 3.0.x version it goes into the filterManifest_ method where it already tries to create Media Key Session before the keys were set with setMediaKeys. I've also noticed that the keyStatuses has 0 size in this case. Then it tries to call generateRequest which after few "Ignoring duplicate init data" calls causing the player Error with the message that "com.widevine.alpha" is not supported (this error will be visible on the 2nd screenshot).
Here is the first comparison screenshot of the logs side by side: (left is 2.5.x, right is 3.0.x)

Interesting thing though is that in the 3.0.x player goes into Error state (or at least we interpret it as an Error state since we get it in the onerror callback from the player) while on the 2.5.x version we also get this error, but inside onWebkitKeyMessage_. Somehow on 2.5.x after few messages like this it actually reports that the MediaKeySession is ready and it starts the streaming. SO these errors are kind of ignored and hidden only inside WebkitKeyMessages.

Unfortunately it requires much deeper knowledge of the Shaka player architecture for us in order to understand where the problem originates, so I would appreciate it if you could have a look at these logs and share your thoughts (theoretically) about what do you think can cause such a different behavior?
For now the main 2 differences that we see is that working version has "usable" keys in the Key Session while non-working version doesn't have the key. And the second difference is that the "com.widevine.alpha" error is not impacting the playback in the 2.5.x version, but it is causing player to report an error in 3.0.x version.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions or guidance on where should we continue our investigation!

I wouldn't mind helping


i have an lg tv and I wouldn't mind helping out.

These are the steps that must be done to add LG as an officially-supported platform:

  1. Build an LG TV backend in Generic WebDriver Server (shaka-project/generic-webdriver-server#18) so that we can automate tests and debug on the platform (can be done by anyone with the hardware and time and energy)
  2. Set up the LG TV test infrastructure in our lab (must be done by the Shaka team)
  3. Run all Shaka Player tests on LG TV and catalog test failures (can be done by anyone after part 1 is complete)
  4. Fix individual test failures, either by updating test cases or fixing Shaka bugs or working around platform bugs, as appropriate (can be done by anyone or many people in parallel after part 2 is complete)
  5. Enable nightly testing in the Shaka Player lab (must be done by the Shaka team)
  6. Update docs (can be done by anyone)

These are the same steps we went through this year to add official Xbox One support (step 1 PR, step 4 changes 1, 2, 3, and step 6 docs updates). If anyone is interested in helping us expand official support to LG WebOS, please feel free to volunteer!

Estamos usando ShakaPlayer con WebOS 3.5 y DASH+Widevine sin ningún problema.

Hola buenas noches estimado, podrias ayudarme con la configuracion del player. @avelad

Estamos usando ShakaPlayer con WebOS 3.5 y DASH+Widevine sin ningún problema.

Hola buenas noches estimado, podrias ayudarme con la configuracion del player. @avelad

@avelad It would be great if you can help us with that configuration that you set, I will appreciate it.

avelad commented

Another WebOS topic: #5479

@avelad Wanted to let you know the latest update 4.8.0 introduces error code 4032 when playing AES HLS on webOS.
4.7.x did not have this issue but did have the issue with over requesting AES license.
Is there a way around this issue?

@stuartflanagan In 4.8.0 there are the following related changes:

Anyway to fix any bug we need a test stream.

Please note that this is an unofficially supported platform, so if you want to submit a PR to fix this, we'd be happy to review it.

Thanks @avelad.
The issue actually occurs with any HLS stream. not just AES encrypted.
But here is a demo stream from unified that also triggers the 4032 error.

The error occurs in thePlayer load sequence. Has there been any change to the isSupported method used?
It seems it is now returning false for webOS this is webOS3 through webOS2024

Happy to have a look at this. Can you please point me to any commits that may have impacted isSupported method?

      .load(mediaItem.manifest, startTime)
      .then(() => {
      .catch(error => {
        this.error = error;
        this.dispatchEvent(new Event('error'));

Are you using fMP4 or TS?

The commit that may impact is: #6382

Thank you I will see how I go.

Seems to be affecting MPEGDASH and DRM as well.
Same error 4032.

Hi @avelad just wondering if I can get some help contributing for this issue.

I realise this ticket is probably not the place to do it as it is regarding offical support.

At present I have the shaka-player lib forked and it is building.

webOS is returning 4032 for manifest media types

The interesting thing is when I switch to the debug player to investigate the logs playback is fine with no 4032 error code.

minimumUpdatePeriod is 30 for live content which is causing delayed playback start if I am keeping rebufferinggoal as 30 and if set ignoreminbuffertime true then seeing a stall during playback, how to configure shaka for lower webos so that there is not any delayed playback start as well as any stall ?