SASS resources (e.g. variables, mixins etc.) loader for Webpack. Also works with less, post-css, etc.
- 10
getting "@use rules must be written before any other rules" error even though config has hoistUseStatements
#150 opened by patrick99e99 - 0
Add support for Node 18
#198 opened by ahangarha - 2
Update examples for webpack v5?
#195 opened by nsunga - 3
Webpack 5 support for Angular 12
#146 opened by yackinn - 3
#86 opened by RavaliPothepalli - 0
Switch to Github Actions for CI
#158 opened by justin808 - 1
- 2
Equivalent for rollup?
#151 opened by yairEO - 1
- 1
ChainAlert: new npm maintainer has published version 2.2.5 of package sass-resources-loader
#155 opened by chainalert-bot - 4
- 7
- 8
@use not working with builtin modules
#148 opened by Geekimo - 4
Webpack 4 config
#84 opened by barth12 - 5
- 1
- 1
of no avail (scss still needs to be introduced)
#141 opened by ace9527x - 2
- 3
- 1
vue-cli@4 文件重复引入,全局引入多个重复css文件
#139 opened by oozm - 1
vue-cli@4 文件重复引入,全局引入多个重复css文件
#138 opened by oozm - 1
- 1
sass-resource-loader + Nativescript + Angular issue CONSOLE ERROR: Error: Css styling failed: Error: Invalid value for animation: 1ms
#136 opened by pandabuilt - 3
the config to vue-cli2.0 is not working
#98 opened by icemirror - 1
How to change variables
#131 opened by EnVires - 2
How to Properly Import Google Fonts
#80 opened by mxdavis - 1
Module parse failed / You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
#130 opened by amelieMa - 6
- 1
The configuration of webpack4 in Vue has no effect
#116 opened by luoye111 - 0
Build process gets stuck when this plugin is used
#121 opened by joepagan - 8
Support @use along with @import
#110 opened by lucpotage - 0
Properly rename SASS -> Sass
#123 opened by toastal - 2
- 3
Resources invalid path gives miss leading error
#107 opened by cowglow - 3
#102 opened by smorhaim - 2
- 0
- 1
How do I use this?
#91 opened by dannyyu92 - 1
Resource path as URL
#89 opened by piligrimnick - 2
ERROR import multiple files in one @import
#87 opened by betorobson - 2
react webpack4
#83 opened by laiwoyaojubaoni - 12
Can't find sass resources ERROR with 1.3.4
#79 opened by jvarho - 2
Resource file mixins not found
#64 opened by cneeson - 2
Vue - Global resources throws error
#74 opened by AshwinTayson - 1
Add Webpack 4 section in README
#70 opened by trollepierre - 2
Wrong version with happypack
#65 opened by david-gomey - 0
- 3
Does not work with Webpack 4
#71 opened by vbarbarosh - 4
How can we add this to a Vue webpack template?
#67 opened by trusktr - 1
Does not work with webpack 4 in dev mode
#68 opened by ilyavaiser