Human Input / Simple human readable data markup.
name: "Hip"
type: "Markup language"
version: 1.0
tags: "markup", "serialization", "language"
Hip does not try to replace any data markups or create a new standard. The target of hip is to be readable and writable by non-technicals folks without out having to explain the syntax.
- Why should I use this? Sorry dude I don't know.. This data parser is an experiment and will maybe be implemented into the ClanCatsFramework 2.1. If you are looking for an approved and stable data serialization format use YAML. If you believe Hip could be useful, feel free, every user makes me happy :)
This Hip parser is written in PHP using PSR-4 autoloading you can install it using composer.
"mario-deluna/hip": "dev-master"
Decode a hip data string to an array:
Hip\Hip::decode( $hipString );
Encode an array to a hip data string:
Hip\Hip::decode( $myArray );
Read hip file:
Hip\Hip::read( 'my/path/to/file.hip' );
Write hip file:
Hip\Hip::write( 'my/path/to/file.hip', $myArray );
name: "Zaphod beeblebrox"
job: "President of the Galaxy"
wich equals
"name": "Zaphod beeblebrox",
"job": "President of the Galaxy"
duration: 60
ingredients: "eggs", "bacon", "cream", "leek"
wich equals
"duration": 60,
"ingredients": [ "eggs", "bacon", "cream", "leek" ]
name: "Guitar"
strings: 6
name: "Bass"
strings: 4
wich equals
"name": "Guitar",
"strings": 6
"name": "Bass",
"strings": 4
string: "Hello World"
integer: 42
float: 3.14
yepBool: yes
nopeBool: no
nothing: nil
wich equals
"string": "Hello World",
"integer": 42,
"float": 3.14,
"yepBool": true,
"nopeBool": false,
"nothing": null
- Hip config object / utility
- Automatic detect the level indicator ( space, tab etc. )
- more tests...