
A task planner application developed in Javascript. It has features like add task form with validation. User can add a task, update task details, delete tasks. It uses localStorage API for storing data in API currently. It allows to filter tasks based on task category.

Primary LanguageCSS

Task Planner Application By Shakeel and Ayushi 🏦


Following Technologies have been used to develop this Application

  1. HTML 5
  2. CSS 3
  3. Bootstrap
  4. JavaScript

Application is Live here Netlity Link


This Task Planner App. provides following basic features

  1. Add task to application with Subject, date, time and detailed description.
  2. Edit Task and Update its details.
  3. Filter Tasks by category of Pending, Review, Done.
  4. delete tasks from tasks list.
  5. Currently Tasks are stored in Browsers local storage.

Info 📋

The code has been written into Javascript classes and following are the three major Classes in Project

  1. Task Form class - It has methods for validation of the Add task Form.
  2. Task Manager Class - It is one of the major class which has methods to Add, Delete, Update Tasks and Filter tasks
  3. Task Class provides the features of creating html element of the task to add to DOM dynamically.


The Testing of The all Javascript classes and methods has been done Using Jest.js

Link to live Page 💻

Repo is Live at Netlify Netlity Link

Demo UI Page!

Install ⚙️

The application has module dependencies which can be installed by

npm install / yarn install

Start 🏃

npm run start

Build 😷

npm run build