
It is a reactjs covid 19 tracker application which displays real time stats of covid cases worldwide in a graphical and map representation.It fetches data in real time and show real time information about recovered and death cases as well

Primary LanguageJavaScript

COVID Tracker Application in React JS ⚡️

A real time application which gives stats about covid situation around globe!

Application is Live here Netlity Link


✔️ Map with countries cases details Popup
✔️ List of all countries with total cases
✔️ Drop Down to view cases stats for specific country
✔️ Graph to show covid cases trend in last 3 months
✔️ Fully mobile responsive CSS flexbox layout
To view a live example, click here


✔️ React JS for front end
✔️ Material UI for UI components styling etc
✔️ disease.sh APIs to fetch real time stats about covid cases
✔️ Open source map for showing map with circles.
✔️ Chart JS 2 to show cases trends line graph.\

Getting Started 🚀

Install ⚙️

The application has module dependencies which can be installed by

npm install / yarn install

Start 🏃

npm run start

Build 😷

npm run build