Song Management Dashboard

The Song Management Dashboard is a web application that allows users to manage and organize their collection of songs. Users can search for songs, add new songs, edit existing songs, and delete songs from the dashboard.


  • Search: Users can search for songs by title, artist, or genre.
  • Add Song: Users can add a new song to their collection by providing the title, artist, genre, and uploading the song file.
  • Edit Song: Users can edit the details of an existing song, including the title, artist, genre, and the associated song file.
  • Delete Song: Users can delete a song from their collection permanently.

Technologies Used

  • PHP: Server-side scripting language used for handling form submissions, interacting with the database, and rendering dynamic content.
  • MySQL: Relational database management system used for storing song data.
  • HTML: Markup language used for creating the structure and layout of the web pages.
  • CSS: Stylesheet language used for applying visual styles and layout to the web pages.
  • JavaScript (jQuery): JavaScript library used for handling DOM manipulation and AJAX interactions.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Set up a local development environment with PHP and MySQL.
  3. Import the provided SQL file (song_management.sql) into your MySQL database.
  4. Update the database connection parameters in the PHP code (index.php) to match your local environment.
  5. Start the PHP development server.
  6. Access the application in your web browser.
  7. On Login please provide with following credentialsUsername: admin Password password


  1. Open the application in your web browser.
  2. Log in using your credentials or create a new account if you don't have one.
  3. Use the search bar to find songs by title, artist, or genre.
  4. Click on the "Add Song" button to add a new song to your collection.
  5. Fill in the required details and upload a song file.
  6. Click on the "Edit" or "Delete" links next to each song to modify or remove it from your collection.