
A containerized CS 350 development environment.

Primary LanguageShell


A containerized CS 350 development environment.


  • *nix environment
  • Docker

To install Docker, refer to the official documentation.


To set-up the environment, create a dedicated directory for CS 350 and then download + run install.sh:

mkdir cs350
cd cs350
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shakeelrao/cs350-docker/master/install.sh
bash install.sh

The installation script will pull the image from Docker Hub and create the following directory structure:

|-- install.sh
|-- cs350-os161/
|   |-- os161-1.99/
|   |   |-- Makefile
|   |   |-- ...

The cs350-os161 directory contains the OS/161 source code.


The next step is to start the container and set-up the volume. In the root directory, run:

docker run -v "$(pwd)/cs350-os161:/root/cs350-os161" -it 3uclid/cs350:1.0 /bin/bash

This will create an interactive shell attached to the container:

root@dcc24ce3533d:~# ls
archive  cs350-os161  init.sh  sys161

Next, run bash init.sh to build the kernel. After the script finishes, press CTRL p+q to detach from the container.


  1. Modify the kernel source code locally
  2. Attach to the container: docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID /bin/bash
  3. Build and run the kernel
  4. Repeat!