
Asessment for candidates

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Asessment for candidates

What is this?

This is a simple object orianted coding assesment. You need to follow instructions to build a simple library system while following object oriented programming paradigms.

About the assesment

  • You need to build it using javascript programming language.
  • You need to write a class for book object, which will have the following properties.
    • name
    • author
    • pageCount
  • You need to write a class (Library) which will have the following functions.
    • addBook // adds new book to library and returns this book as object.
    • deleteBook // returns true if successfully deleted else returns false
    • updateBook // gets bookname as argument and updates book, returns true if successfully updated book else returns false
    • getAllBooks // returns all books in library
    • getBookWithMostPageNumber // returns a book object with the most page number
  • Your program doesn't need to store data in file or database. You can store this data in memory.
  • Your program needs to follow object oriented programming paradigms.

Additional information

  • Library object can be Array, Set or Map
  • You can deny to add book if book exist in the library. (aka book names are unique)
  • You can find a boilerplate code to start with in this repo. Here