
Dead simple setup dashboard for your VPS.

Primary LanguageShell

Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 01 02 43


VPSFlow is an open-source web server designed to simplify the process of setting up a fresh Virtual Private Server (VPS). With VPSFlow, you can configure your server effortlessly by installing essential software and packages with a single click. It's a straightforward solution to streamline deployments, whether you're looking to set up web applications, monitoring tools, or databases.

Key Features

  • One-Click Installations: Set up tools like Node.js, Hono.js, Angular, PostHog, Grafana, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and more in seconds.
  • Script Management: Execute relevant scripts for your operating system and package manager, automatically selected based on your setup.
  • Dashboard Streaming: Real-time installation status streamed to your dashboard.
  • Cross-Platform Support: Includes scripts for Debian/Ubuntu, CentOS/RHEL, macOS, and Windows environments.

MVP Roadmap

  1. Detect OS and Package Manager: Automatically identify the user's operating system and available package manager(s).
  2. Select Relevant Scripts: Based on the OS information, pull the correct setup scripts.
  3. Display Setup Options: List available scripts for one-click setup on the homepage.
  4. Trigger Installation: When a user clicks to set up a package (e.g., PostgreSQL), VPSFlow runs the appropriate script.
  5. Stream Installation Status: Display real-time installation feedback on the dashboard.
  6. Verify Installation: Run tests to confirm successful setup and report status.

Project Structure

├── main.go                         // Main entry point for VPSFlow
├── pkg/
│   ├── osinfo/
│   │   └── osinfo.go               // Functions for OS information detection
│   ├── scripts/
│   │   ├── script.go               // Script management and execution
├── templates/
│   └── index.templ.html            // Homepage template for Templ
├── handlers/
│   └── homepage.go                 // Handler functions for the web server
├── scripts/                        // Setup scripts, organized by OS and package manager
│   ├── unix/
│   │   ├── apt/                    // Debian-based package manager scripts
│   │   ├── snap/                   // Snap package manager scripts
│   │   └── yum/                    // Yum package manager scripts for RHEL/CentOS
│   ├── windows/
│   │   ├── chocolatey/             // Chocolatey package manager scripts
│   │   └── scoop/                  // Scoop package manager scripts
│   └── darwin/
│       ├── brew/                   // Homebrew package manager scripts
│       └── native/                 // macOS native scripts (e.g., Xcode CLI)
├── go.mod                          // Go module dependencies
└── go.sum                          // Go checksum file


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/shakg/vpsflow.git
    cd vpsflow
  2. Run the server:

    go run main.go
  3. Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080 to start using VPSFlow.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issue or PR.