- Can create an account with his/her name, email, address and account Type(Mainly Two Types: Savings & Cuurent).
- Initially, the balance will be 0. An account number will be generated automatically.
- Can deposit and withdraw amount. If the withdrawal amount is more than the current balance, show an error message that “Withdrawal amount exceeded” 10
- Can check available balance.
- Can check transaction history.
- Can take a loan from the bank at most two times.
- Can transfer the amount from his account to another user account. if the other account does not exist then show an error message “Account does not exist”. 10 Note - User can only withdraw and transfer money from his account if he has money in his account. If a user is unable to withdraw the amount of money he has deposited in the bank, he will get a message that the bank is bankrupt.
- Can create an account
- Can delete any user account
- Can see all user accounts list
- Can check the total available balance of the bank.
- Can check the total loan amount.
- Can on or off the loan feature of the bank.