
Restaurant management system in Python is a comprehensive project that involves various aspects such as managing menus, processing orders, tracking inventory, handling reservations, and more.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Restaurant Management System in Python, incorporating insights from expert ratings and addressing potential shortcomings: Core Functionalities:

Menu Management:

  • Create, view, edit, and delete menu items.
  • Include detailed information like dish names, descriptions, prices, category (appetizer, main course, etc.), and customizable options (size, toppings).
  • Validate user input for data integrity (e.g., prevent negative prices).

Order Management:

  • Allow staff to take orders efficiently, selecting items from the menu.
  • Enable quantity selection for each dish.
  • Implement table management to track orders for specific tables or takeout.
  • Consider offering order modification options during the process.

Billing System:

  • Calculate bills accurately based on order details and menu prices.
  • Handle tax calculations, discounts (percentage or fixed amount), and service charges.
  • Provide multiple payment options (cash, credit card, etc.) with proper input validation for payment details.
  • Generate receipts with itemized information, total cost, and payment method.