
Javascript port of Laravel's Blade Templating language for Node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##JS Blade Build Status

Javascript port of Laravel's Blade Templating language for NodeJS

###TODO - tags

  • @section
  • @yield
  • @extends
  • @include

##@section & @yield One thing that has always driven me CRAZY about all templating languages is that they always assume that the formatting of output is irrelevant - and it mostly is.

But sometimes it's incredibly important (source code snippet, for example) - so I've decided that right from the word go, I'd fix this in js-blade.

Given this input

<p>Saving sections is a cool feature
    <span>Especially if indentation is respected</span>

    <h1>Yields are cool!</h1>

In Laravel's Blade, you'd get this:

    <h1>Yields are cool!</h1>
    <p>Saving sections is a cool feature
    <span>Especially if indentation is respected</span>

But in Blade JS, you'll get exactly what you wanted

    <h1>Yields are cool!</h1>
    <p>Saving sections is a cool feature
        <span>Especially if indentation is respected</span>