
This repository provides the code used to perform the individual-level analyses described in Haas et al (2023): https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.01.17.523348

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This repository provides the code used to perform the individual-level analyses described in Haas et al. (2023): here

Extreme Deviations

In file: computation_additional_metrics_extreme_deviations.m

  • Compute average deviation scores (lines 44-141)
  • For each brain region, compute percentage of patients at + or - extremes based on defined SD threshold cutoff (lines 143-163)
  • For each brain region, compute percentage of healthy individuals at + or - extremes based on defined SD threshold cutoff (lines 164-185)
  • For each individual participant, compute the percentage of regions with extreme + or - deviations based on predefined SD threshold cutoff (lines 186-232)

Two-proportion z-test

In file: 2_proportion_z-test.R

Credit: Portions of this script were written by Dr. Maria Jalbrzikowski.

Script to compute 2-proportion z-test to examine whether proportions of extreme deviations significantly differ between 2 groups.

  • Subcortical volume (lines 21-151)
  • Cortical thickness (lines 152-450)
  • Cortical surface area (lines 451-748)
  • Compute 2-proportion z-test across all regions using FDR correction based on all 150 measures (lines 749-789)

Distribution Plots

In file: Freesurfer_region_specific_distributions.R

Credit: Portions of this script were written by Dr. Nicole Sanford.

Script to generate distribution plots for cortical thickness, surface area and subcortical volume measures for two groups based on z-score outputs from CentileBrain.

Accompanying tutorial slides to use the script are available here.