
A well lit place for docs

Primary LanguageCSSApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This repository is now deprecated. Please do not submit any new pull requests against it.

We announced a change to how the documentation is published on the vcap-dev mailing list on February 3, 2014.

The new website for Cloud Foundry open source documentation is docs.cloudfoundry.org.

There are new documentation repositories.

For details on how documentation is now published, see the readme on the docs-book-cloudfoundry repo.

The open source documentation is now split across multiple repos:

  • Cloud Foundry Concepts: a guide to the underlying concepts and architecture.
  • Developer Guide: step-by-step instructions and reference material for developers pushing applications to Cloud Foundry.
  • Services: information about extending Cloud Foundry with custom services, and the service broker API.
  • Buildpacks: a guide to developing your own buildpacks.
  • Deploying Cloud Foundry: instructions for operators deploying Cloud Foundry on various IaaS (AWS, OpenStack, etc.) using BOSH
  • Running Cloud Foundry: information for operators running Cloud Foundry.
  • BOSH: in-depth documentation on BOSH.

For documentation relating to the Pivotal Web Services Marketplace, please see PWS Services