
Github action snippets for reference


Github action snippets for reference


Every job runs on its own runner, so you can't share data between jobs. You can use artifacts to pass data between jobs.

Expressions - (https://docs.github.com/en/actions/learn-github-actions/expressions)

Multiline strings cannot be passed directly between jobs.

Pull-requests based on forks do not trigger a workflow

You can skip a workflow by adding [skip ci] or something similar to the commit message

Job artifacts can be downloaded manually (UI or rest api) or automatically (i.e. an action in the workflow) They are not available across jobs, so you need to download them in a subsequent job where you want to use them If the name input parameter is not provided, all artifacts will be downloaded

print(f'::set-output name=outputval01::{result}')


  1. Can artifacts be encrypted or protected?

Areas of use

  • website deployment
  • linting
  • Dependabots
  • deploy a dev pod
  • daily routines
  • rss feeds?