
Library for passcode generation on different mobile apps.

Primary LanguageJava


Library for passcode implementation along with an optional additional feature to ask for passcode when your app resumes from background. (Works with minSDK >= 15)


In order to use the library

1. Gradle dependency

  • Add the following to your project level build.gradle:
allprojects {
	repositories {
  • Add this to your app build.gradle:
dependencies {
	implementation 'com.mifos.mobile:mifos-passcode:0.3.0'


For a basic implementation of the PassCode Screen

public class PassCodeActivity extends MifosPassCodeActivity {

    public int getLogo() {
        //logo to be shown on the top
        return R.drawable.your_logo;

    public void startNextActivity() {
        //start intent for the next activity

    public void startLoginActivity() {
        //start intent for the login or previous activity

    public void showToaster(View view, int msg) {
        //show prompts in toast or using snackbar

    public int getEncryptionType() {
        return EncryptionUtil.DEFAULT;


There are 4 different types of encryption methods available with respect to our Android Projects:


To access the passcode stored use PasscodePreferencesHelper

PasscodePreferencesHelper pref = new PasscodePreferencesHelper(context);
pref.getPassCode();// it will return encrypted passcode according to the encryption type chosen.

Asking for the passcode when your app resumes from background

Create a BaseActivity which should extend BasePassCodeActivity and extend this class for all your activities

public class BaseActivity extends BasePassCodeActivity {

    public Class getPassCodeClass() {
        //name of the activity which extends MifosPassCodeActivity
        return PassCodeActivity.class;

In your application class add:

public class MifosApplication extends Application {

    public void onCreate() {
        //Initialize ForegroundChecker

For complete example click here