
Ansible Vim snippets

BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Ansible Vim snippets for UtilSnips and SnipMate

This is a fork of phenomenes/ansible-snippets.git which will eventually diverge and become a project of its own.

NOTE: If you wish to have ansible snippets that match the latest version of ansible, you should use phenomenes fork instead as it appears to be auto-generated from the documentation.

This fork is a work-in-progress to

  • Create meaningful/practical ansible snippets that would be used in day-to-day scenarios working with ansible.

  • Rearrange and Huffman encode the snippets to provide concise and logically organised completions.

  • Reduce the time taken to fill in a workable completion down to an absolute minimum - while still allowing completions for unusual cases.

  • Provide snippets that complete common use-cases that are not purely derived from the ansible module documentation.

  • Auto-generate snippets from the latest version of the documentation under the Ansible Module Index.

  • Eventually re-organize snippets into multiple smaller projects to match the logical structure laid out by ansible in the Ansible Module Index.



Recommended: Use your preferred vim plugin/add-on manager.

To manually install, clone this repo to your vim directory

cd ~/.vim/
git clone https://github.com/phenomenes/ansible-snippets.git

and then restart vim.


Open a .yml or .yaml file that represents your ansible playbook or role task file and in insert mode type one of the available snippet completions (e.g. play, apt, etc) and then

  • Press ctrl-r tab to view possible snippet completions.
  • Press tab to expand the desired snippet, then complete each field pressing tab again to move to the next field, etc.


  • Edit the ansible-snippets/snippets/yaml.snippets file to add/extend your snippets.

  • In your vim session, test out the snippet expansion (vim does not need to be restarted).

  • Contribute back


BSD 2-clause "Simplified" License