- 0
- 13
- 0
- 0
How to watch a folder for added/deleted files?
#262 opened by ericmorand - 0
The 'mode' option seems completely irrelevant.
#261 opened by patricknelson - 1
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "interval" argument must be of type number. Received type string
#260 opened by strongpauly - 1
how to use gaze in a "chained" npm command?
#259 opened by DongShi - 7
- 0
Missing event emmission when a folder with a file is moved to the watched folder
#253 opened by kireerik - 2
Deprecation warnings and other issues
#230 opened - 1
Update to Globule 1.2.0
#244 opened by IridescentShadow - 7
- 0
- 0
Expectations for setting 'cwd' option
#240 opened by juriejan - 0
- 6
Gaze.prototype._addToWatched repeating readDir of same directory on each call
#214 opened by smithwib - 3
Getting Gaze._watchDir error in gulp watch
#202 opened by ashish91 - 2
weird things when manipulating folder
#236 opened by tracy2zhang - 1
What am I doing wrong?
#234 opened by octachrome - 0
- 12
Watching more than expected.
#227 opened by rquadling - 2
EPERM error code in 'bash for windows'
#228 opened by carmona - 3
Non linear start-up time for large folders
#222 opened by chebum - 1
patch 0.5.X release to fix maxListeners
#193 opened by timelf123 - 2
Can't install gaze with Node.js 4.1
#199 opened by narqo - 1
drop node 0.8 support?
#197 opened by marneborn - 8
Outdated dependencies
#210 opened by adamreisnz - 6
Please bump version number and push to NPM
#212 opened by richb-hanover - 1
Crashes when watched directory is moved
#223 opened by oliversalzburg - 0
_addToWatched() add dir without path.sep
#217 opened by wyicwx - 2
Extremely slow on Windows
#224 opened by zwhitchcox - 2
0.6 doesn't work on windows
#198 opened by vendethiel - 1
Publish update deps to npm
#219 opened by implico - 1
Update globule>minimatch to latest version
#220 opened by TDA - 1
outdated dependencies
#209 opened by DarkPark - 10
Lodash deprecation warning
#207 opened by SgtPooki - 2
globule transative dependencies
#206 opened by cstruct - 3
- 2
Cannot watch absolute path on added event
#203 opened by jetzhliu - 7
Not watching anything
#201 opened by runemadsen - 3
Repeated events over Windows network share
#196 opened by pdeffendol - 1
gulp plugin?
#194 opened by eskhool - 1
- 3
this.watched and this.relative never call back.
#189 opened by spelufo - 2
gulp has error on 'watch' task
#187 opened by g0r1v3r4 - 1
Can't specify options for minimatch
#186 opened by arwong09 - 2
Gaze not keeping process alive?
#184 opened by aleclarson - 7
new file creation in polling monitor
#183 opened by demon386 - 1
Is this alive?
#182 opened by jzaefferer - 2
gaze watches all files/folders on change
#181 opened by lookfirst