
Detect resize on an element without polling or iframes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Detect resize on an element without polling or iframes

build status NPM version

If the browser supports ResizeObserver this will use that otherwise it will fallback to a MutationObserver to detect changes to the style attribute of an element and then compares the width/height to check if it has changed.

A polyfill is provided for MutationObserver which will then use polling on really old browsers.


import onResize from "resize-event"

// Create or select an element, must be in the DOM
const element = document.createElement('div')

// Bind the event
const observer = onResize(element, () => {
  console.log('element was resized', element.offsetWidth, element.offsetHeight)

// Trigger the event
element.style.width = '500px'

// Later disconnect the event


npm install resize-event --save


(c) 2020 Kyle Robinson Young. MIT License