Omobio Trainee Fullstack Developer Practical Test

Get started

Keep your code in below format when pushing it to your GitHub account.

├── bizlogic  -- Backend Code
│── ui        -- UI logic(React JS or React Native logic). Entry level React Js and React Native structure available
└── db        -- Database structure


Complete below points.

  1. Create a simple session based login.
  • UI -- React JS/React Native
  • Backend -- Pure PHP
  • DB -- MySql/MariaDB
  1. Throw an invalid password alert, if the user entered invalid credentials.

  2. If the user entered correct credentials, redirect user to User list view. This view should retrieve id, name, username and email on the User table.


  • DB structure available on db/structure.sql or use your own structure. You should keep your DB changes and data with structure.sql and push it to GitHub.
  • Follow the relevant folder structure.
  • Do not upload node-modules to GitHub.


Your app UI part(mobile/web) actually needs to run, our team will check each and every step you followed. Please mention your localhost base url correctly. We will configure our environment and do the evaluations.