
Stock market simulation

Primary LanguageC++

This program uses maps, hashes, and BSTs to simulate a basic SQL query

# Usage
Using "make" from the makefile will compile puzzle

$ ./silly [--quiet] [--help]

--quiet - if picked, any print statements will not print the data accessed, but rather only how much data was accessed.

--help - prints possible command line arguments

The terminal will present you with a "%" which is the program's command line. Entering the following commands with their respective parameters:

%CREATE <tablename> <N> <coltype1> <coltype2> ... <coltypeN> <colname1> <colname2> ... <colnameN>

Creates a new table with <N> columns. Each column contains data of type <coltype> and is accessed with the name <colname>. Valid data types for coltype are {double, int, bool, string}. This table is initially empty.

%INSERT INTO <tablename> <N> ROWS

<value11> <value12> ... <value1M>

<value21> <value22> ... <value2M>


<valueN1> <valueN2> ... <valueNM>

Inserts N new rows (where N is greater than 0) into the table specified by <tablename>. Prints the amount of rows added to which table and which row numbers.

%DELETE FROM <tablename> WHERE <colname> <OP> <value>

Deletes all rows from the table specified by <tablename> where the value of the entry in <colname> satisfies the operation <OP> with the given value <value>. <OP> is strictly limited to the set { <, > , = }. Prints the number of rows deleted from the table.

%GENERATE FOR <tablename> <indextype> INDEX ON <colname>

Directs the program to create an index of the type on the column <colname> in the table <tablename>, where <indextype> is strictly limited to the set {hash, bst}, denoting a hash table index and a binary search tree index respectively. prints successful completion of index generation.

%PRINT FROM <tablename> <N> <print_colname1> <print_colname2> ... <print_colnameN> [WHERE <colname> <OP> <value> | ALL ]

Directs the program to print the columns specified by <print_colname1>, <print_colname2>, ... <print_colnameN> from some/all rows in <tablename>. If there is no condition (ALL), the matching columns from all rows of the table are printed. If there is a condition (WHERE <colname> <OP> <value>), only rows, whose <colname> value pass the condition, are printed.

%JOIN <tablename1> AND <tablename2> WHERE <colname1> = <colname2> AND PRINT <N> <print_colname1> <1|2> <print_colname2> <1|2> ... <print_colnameN> <1|2>

Directs the program to print the the data in <N> columns, specified by <print_colname1>, <print_colname2>, ... <print_colnameN>. The <print_colname>s will be the names of columns in either the first table <tablename1> or the second table <tablename2>, as specified by the <1/2> argument directly following each <print_colnameN>. Prints the names of the specified columns, followed by the values of each of the specified columns in each row then a statement indicating how many rows were printed.

%REMOVE <tablename>

Removes the table specified by <tablename> and all associated data from the database, including any created index.


Cleans up all internal data (i.e. no memory leaks) and exits the program.

# Example Input

CREATE cities 5 string string int double bool name state population area is_capital? INSERT INTO cities 7 ROWS

Ann_Arbor Michigan 120782 28.69 false

Lansing Michigan 116020 36.68 true

Miami Florida 453579 55.25 false

San_Francisco California 864816 46.87 false

Albany New_York 98111 21.93 true

Chicago Illinois 2705000 234 false

St_Louis Missouri 315685 65.98 false

PRINT FROM cities 2 name state ALL

REMOVE cities


# Example Output
% % New table cities with column(s) name state population area is_capital? created

% Added 7 rows to cities from position 0 to 6

% name state

Ann_Arbor Michigan

Lansing Michigan

Miami Florida

San_Francisco California

Albany New_York

Chicago Illinois

St_Louis Missouri

Printed 7 matching rows from cities

% Table cities deleted

% Thanks for being silly!