
Create a docker image by using the below command

docker build -t springboot-k8s:1.0

Create a deployment by using the below command

kubectl run springboot-k8s --image=springboot-k8s:1.0 --port 8080 --image-pull-policy=Never

Created a service by using the below command

kubectl expose deployment springboot-k8s --type=NodePort

You can scale the deployment by using the below command

kubectl scale --replicas=3 deployment/springboot-k8s

You can autoscale the deployment by using the below command

kubectl autoscale deployment springboot-k8s --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10

Create a docker image 2.0 version to update the deployment by using the below command

docker build -t springboot-k8s:2.0

You can update the deployment by using the below command

kubectl set image deployment springboot-k8s springboot-k8s=springboot-k8s:2.0

Command to see a list of Pods

kubectl get pods

Command to see a list of Deployments

kubectl get deployments

Command to see a list of Services

kubectl get services

Get details of your deployments

kubectl describe deployments

Get details of your replicas

kubectl describe rs

Command to create a deployment object by using the yml file

kubectl apply -f deployment.yml

Command to create a service object by using the yml file

kubectl apply -f service.yml