
A DataBase Engine that supports indexing using OctTrees created uisng Java

Primary LanguageJava

Database Engine

This is a database engine that supports various operations for table management and data manipulation. It was built with a focus on performance, ensuring fast processing and retrieval of data. The engine provides the following features:


  • Table creation with a primary key column
  • Sorted inserts based on the primary key
  • Updates of existing records
  • Select queries for retrieving data
  • Deletion of records


The engine supports two types of indices:

  1. BRIN Index (Default): The Block Range Index (BRIN) is the default index used by the engine. It provides efficient indexing based on block ranges, suitable for large datasets.

  2. Octree Index (Optional): The Octree Index is an optional indexing mechanism available upon request. It offers specialized indexing capabilities for specific use cases.


The tables within the database engine are stored as pages, which correspond to serializable files on secondary storage. This storage design allows for efficient data management and retrieval.


The database engine has been designed to support multithreading. All the data structures used within the engine are thread-safe, allowing users to leverage multithreading capabilities when interacting with the database. This enables concurrent access to the database, enhancing performance in scenarios where multiple threads or processes are involved.


Every aspect of the codebase has been optimized for performance. Careful consideration has been given to optimizing various operations and algorithms to ensure speedy processing and retrieval of data.


This project was the issue of a whole semester of tireless work, sleepless nights, dedication and passion of: