
Inception project at 42 school of Paris. Using docker compose to build and run a LEMP stack for a WordPress website. Ready-made docker images are forbidden.

Primary LanguageShell


Static Badge


Inception project is about setting up and running a small infrastructure of services in order to have a functional wordpress website, with nginx as web-server and a database relying on MariaDB service. As it is forbidden to pull and use ready-made docker images from DockerHub for these services. The image for each of the given services (nginx, wordpress, MariaDB) has to be build from a Dockerfile solely based on the image of either Alpine or Debian (penultimate stable version). It is mandatory to be using docker compose, through a Makefile to coordinate the services, while building them and running them, and for maintaing a user-defined network between these services. It is also mandatory to use an .env file for docker compose.


• A Docker container that contains NGINX with TLSv1.2 or TLSv1.3 only. • A Docker container that contains WordPress + php-fpm (it must be installed and configured) only without nginx. • A Docker container that contains MariaDB only without nginx.

Volumes and Network

• A volume that contains your WordPress database. • A second volume that contains your WordPress website files.

• A docker-network that establishes the connection between your containers.

Nginx     <-- port 443 TLS --> web browsing 
Nginx     <-- port 9000    --> Wordpress
Wordpress <-- port 3306    --> MariaDB


  • Pulling DockerHub images other than alpine or debian.
  • In docker-compose.yml : network: host or --link or links:.


Virtual machine (VM)

In order to have a isolated, secure and reproducible environment both for developping and running, I chose Vagrant. Virtual machine was built with Vagrant based on Vagrantfile.


Virtualbox manager and Vagrant should be installed ON 42's workstation. Otherwise, they are needed.


Vagrantfile based on Vagrant to jumpstart your development into 42 project : Inception . Docker will be installed and user will be in sudo and docker groups.

Some Vagrantfile changes with my username and to add VScode.

sudo snap install code --classic

vagrant up

Place the Vagrantfile in a dedicated directory on sgoinfre. Then from thisdirectory, type the command vagrant up. That will build the VM.

Default password is vagrant.

VM setups

Change docker permissions to run docker command without sudo

# to run docker command without sudo :
chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
  • Github settings
git config --global user.email "####"
git config --global user.name "####"
ssh-keygen -t ed25519  -C "####@###.com"
cat home/####42/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
# copy and add the public key to github account settings/SSH
# test github :
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh -T git@github.com
  • Setup Domain Name System (DNS)

make command will execute the bash script ./srcs/requirements/tools/setup.sh that will be changing /etc/hosts file : localhost to domain name jmouaike.42.fr www.jmouaike.42.fr.

make prune command will revert /etc/hosts file to localhost


From the VM, git clone the repo inception-42.

.env file : environment variables

An .env file should be present in requirements directory since it is needed by docker compose.

Here is a model for .env file :

# docker-compose environment file





Best practices for working with environment variables in Docker Compose

Best Practices when using Docker Compose

Use secrets

Launch the Make

cd inception & make will build and run the infrastrure of services.

Provided /etc/hosts changes above were made, the website should be pointing to https://jmouaike.42.fr/ or https://www.jmouaike.42.fr/.

Useful links and reading


Many docker and docker compose ressources are available.

Docker docs

Docker Compose overview

Docker compose

$ docker compose version Docker Compose version v2.18.1 $ docker version Client: Docker Engine - Community Version: 24.0.2 Compose file format versions

Docker images

The debian:bullseye is the penultimate version for Debian. debian:bookworm being the latest stable.

FROM debian:bullseye

Services configuration



To avoid `root`` login without password To change root MySQL/MariaDB password :

Alter root password ALTER USER root@localhost IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '************';


forcing a TCP connection mysql -h -P 3306 --protocol=TCP -u root -p


Creating NGINX Plus and NGINX Configuration Files

Examples of NGINX configuration for WordPress


WP-CLI Commands


wp-config.php file

Wordpress wp-config.php is in /var/www/html/wordpress/ directory and is setup

Le fichier wp-config.php de WordPress : Optimisation, sécurité

wp-config file

To go further

Best practice secure NGINX configuration for WordPress

why you should protect you wp-config file

Add the following line to nginx configuration file location ~* wp-config.php { deny all; }

Harden Wordpress security

10 Nginx Rules to Harden WordPress Security



  • How Docker and docker-compose work.

  • The difference between a Docker image used with docker-compose and without docker-compose.

  • The benefit of Docker compared to VMs.

  • The pertinence of the directory structure required for this project.

Test inception services


Before the make command to build and run the project set of services, be sure to remove any leftovers :

docker stop $(docker ps -qa) & docker rm $(docker ps -qa) & docker rmi -f $(docker images -qa) & docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

make command to build and run the project. the service should be running

make ps is docker ps


testmariadb: docker exec -ti mariadb bash

check config : cat /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf

MariaDB doc SQL statements start mysql to check users and database :

$ mysql
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT user,host,password FROM mysql.user;
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW databases; 
MariaDB [(none)]> USE wordpress;
MariaDB [wordpress]> SHOW TABLES;
MariaDB [wordpress]> SELECT * FROM wp_users;
SELECT ID, user_login, user_email FROM wp_users;
SELECT ID, post_author, post_date, post_title  FROM wp_posts;

From mariadb container, connect as root without password mysql --user=root mysql or mysql -u root -p should ask password.

mysql -u root -p${DB_ROOT_PASSWORD} OK

mysql -u ${DB_USER} -p${DB_USER_PASSWORD} OK

SHOW GRANTS FOR 'root'@'localhost';