
Udacity IPND Project #2

Primary LanguagePython

Reverse Mad-Libs (Fill-in-the-blanks)

Udacity IPND Project #2

For this project, you'll be building Reverse Mad-Libs. You play Reverse Mad-Libs by reading a sentence with blanks in it and then filling in the blanks appropriately. This can be used as a study tool to help you remember important vocabulary.

Once you've created the game according to the rubric specification below you should save your python file (named reverse-mad-libs.py). You should ask reviewers to provide feedback on two aspects of your submission: the game itself and the Python code you've written.

1 - Game Review

In this portion of the review, your reviewer will be checking to make sure the game works the way it's supposed to. See the rubric below for exact specs.

2 - Code Review

Your reviewer will also look at the Python code you've written and provide feedback on:

  • Use of Variables: Your code should take advantage of variables and variable names should reflect the values they store.

  • Functions: Your code should use functions appropriately to avoid repetition. Function parameters should have logical names and should all be used in the body of the function.

  • Appropriate use of Data: Data types (strings vs lists for example) should be used appropriately.

  • Appropriate use of other coding techniques: Your code should use statements like if, then, else, while, etc... appropriately.

Rubrics you should use are included below:

Rubric - Game Review Rubric - Code Review