
Accompanying repository for a seminar on creating a django based bot server and also getting started with django-channels. Check out "second-part" branch to see a working demo of django-channels and an html widget.


This is a simple bot that says yo-mama jokes borrowing heavilly from and the accompanying tutorial. Especially the master branch has almost nothing different from that tutorial except that this is a Telegram bot and not a Facebook bot.


  • Python 3.8
  • Make sure you have pip (pip --version)
  • pip install virtualenv to install virtual environment
  • Telegram messenger (you can also use the web version at

First part

This part of the seminar (and this branch of GitHub) is the code to set up a bot server to connect to Telegram API via webhook and to respond to some messages with yo mama jokes.

What to do

To get this running, you need the following. First install dependencies

Step 0 : Clone the Repository

git clone cd telegran_bot_demoproject

Step 1 : Install dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 2 : Run migrations (optional actually)

Though there are no models for this code, this just creates the default stuff for admin.

python migrate

Step 3 : Start the local server

And start the server with

python runserver

Step 4 : Download and use ngrok

You need an HTTPS url for most webhooks for bots to work. For purely development purposes you can use ngrok. It gives a web-accessible HTTPS url that tunnels through to your localhost. Download ngrok ( , got to a new tab on your terminal and start it with

ngrok http 8000

At this point, you will have to add the URLs to ALLOWED_HOSTS in chatbot_tutorial/

Step 5 : Talk to the BotFather and get and set your bot token

Start telegram, and search for the Botfather. Talk to the Botfather on Telegram and give the command /newbot to create a bot and follow the instructions to get a token.

Copy the token and paste in chatbot_tutorial/

Step 6 : Set your webhook by sending a post request to the Telegram API

If you are on a system where you can run a curl command, run the following command in your terminal (Remember to replace ngrok_url and bot_token)

curl -F “url=<ngrok_url>/c817304a3d163ebd58b44dd446eba29572300724098cdbca1a/“<bot_token>/setWebhook

Alternatively, you can use some service like Postman or just remember to do the following:

  • Request type is "POST"
  • url to post to<bot_token>/setWebhook
  • as parameters add this (name, value) pair: (url, <ngrok_url>/c817304a3d163ebd58b44dd446eba29572300724098cdbca1a/)

You should get a response that states that "webhook has been set"

Step7 : Setup postgres

Download Postgres from ( create a database edit

Step 8 : Talk to the bot

You should now be able to talk to the bot and get responses from it

Get the users lists

click here (https://localhost:8000)

Screen shots



Users List
