
Grab capistrano roles from ec2 tags

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Capify Ec2

capify-ec2 is used to generate capistrano namespaces using ec2 tags.

eg: If you have three servers on amazon's ec2.

server-1 Tag: Role => "web"
server-2 Tag: Role => "db"
server-3 Tag: Roles => "web, db"


gem install capify-ec2

In your deploy.rb:

require "capify-ec2/capistrano"
ec2_roles :web

Will generate

task :server-1 do
  role :web, {server-1 public dns fetched from Amazon}

task :server-3 do
  role :web, {server-3 public dns fetched from Amazon}

task :web do
  role :web, {server-1 public dns fetched from Amazon}
  role :web, {server-3 public dns fetched from Amazon}


require "capify-ec2/capistrano"
ec2_roles :db

Will generate

task :server-2 do
  role :db, {server-2 public dns fetched from Amazon}

task :server-3 do
  role :db, {server-3 public dns fetched from Amazon}

task :db do
  role :db, {server-2 public dns fetched from Amazon}
  role :db, {server-3 public dns fetched from Amazon}


cap web date

will run the date command on all server's tagged with the web role


cap ec2:status

will list the currently running servers and their associated details (public dns, instance id, roles etc)


cap ec2:ssh

will show a list of all running instances and let you enter the server # to ssh into, using the user and port specified in your configuration.


cap ec2:ssh -s ec2roles=web,db

will show a list of running instances filtered by roles, and let you enter the server # to ssh into, using the user and port specified in your configuration.

More options

ec2_roles {:name=>"web", :options=>{:cron=>"server-1"}}

Will generate

task :server-1 do
  role :web, {server-1 public dns fetched from Amazon}, :cron=>true

task :server-3 do
  role :web, {server-3 public dns fetched from Amazon}

task :web do
  role :web, {server-1 public dns fetched from Amazon}, :cron=>true
  role :web, {server-3 public dns fetched from Amazon}

Which is cool if you want a task like this in deploy.rb

task :update_cron => :web, :only=>{:cron} do
  Do something to a server with cron on it

ec2_roles :name=>:web, :options=>{ :default => true }

Will make :web the default role so you can just type 'cap deploy'. Multiple roles can be defaults so:

ec2_roles :name=>:web, :options=>{ :default => true }
ec2_roles :name=>:app, :options=>{ :default => true }

would be the equivalent of 'cap app web deploy'

Ec2 config

This gem requires 'config/ec2.yml' in your project. The yml file needs to look something like this:

:aws_access_key_id: "YOUR ACCESS KEY"
:aws_secret_access_key: "YOUR SECRET"
  :region: 'eu-west-1'
:project_tag: "YOUR APP NAME"

The :aws_params are optional. The :project_tag parameter is optional. It will limit any commands to running against those instances with a "Project" tag set to the value "YOUR APP NAME".


Source hosted at GitHub. Report Issues/Feature requests on GitHub Issues.

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.

Modifications, by Alex Simenduev (see changelog)


Copyright (c) 2011 Forward. See LICENSE for details.