A tutorial about Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery by Dockerize Jenkins Pipeline
This repository is a tutorial it tries to exemplify how to automatically manage the process of building, testing with the highest coverage, and deployment phases.
Our goal is to ensure our pipeline works well after each code being pushed. The processes we want to auto-manage:
Code checkout
Run tests
Compile the code
Run Sonarqube analysis on the code
Create Docker image
Push the image to Docker Hub
Pull and run the image
First step, running up the services
Since one of the goals is to obtain the sonarqube report of our project, we should be able to access sonarqube from the jenkins service. Docker compose is a best choice to run services working together. We configure our application services in a yaml file as below.
version: '3.2' services: sonarqube: build: context: sonarqube/ ports: - 9000:9000 - 9092:9092 container_name: sonarqube jenkins: build: context: jenkins/ privileged: true user: root ports: - 8080:8080 - 50000:50000 container_name: jenkins volumes: - /home/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home #Remember that,if you dont want a permanent directory use tmp directory so it is designed to be wiped on system reboot. - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock depends_on: - sonarqube
Paths of docker files of the containers are specified at context attribute in the docker-compose file. Content of these files as follows.
FROM sonarqube:6.7-alpine
FROM jenkins:2.60.3
for latest image you can use :
FROM jenkins/jenkins:lts , FROM jenkinsci/blueocean also you can edit sonarqube docker image
FROM sonarqube:lts
If we run the following command in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file, the Sonarqube and Jenkins containers will up and run.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build
To run in background :
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d
Review important points of the Jenkins file
stage('Initialize'){ def dockerHome = tool 'myDocker' def mavenHome = tool 'myMaven' env.PATH = "${dockerHome}/bin:${mavenHome}/bin:${env.PATH}" }
The Maven and Docker client tools we have defined in Jenkins under Global Tool Configuration menu are added to the PATH environment variable for using these tools with sh command.
stage('Push to Docker Registry'){ withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'dockerHubAccount', usernameVariable: 'USERNAME', passwordVariable: 'PASSWORD')]) { pushToImage(CONTAINER_NAME, CONTAINER_TAG, USERNAME, PASSWORD) } }
Note:the docker & maven tool names must be same as one we configured
During Docker credential configure give the ID name same as dockerHubAccount ,if you change modify Jenkinsfile accordingly.
Check our application is running on docker container from the local host.
docker ps
will see Welcome to Dockerizing Jenkins Pipeline Tutorial
Triggering a Jenkins build from a push to Github.
sonarqube integration with jenkins:
Either you can use sonarcube server running on docker in the same machine.
login into sonarcube web console with default username & password (admin&admin)
generate token from sonarcube --copy the id
create new credentails for sonarcube with secret text & add the paste the token
on jenkins server go to configure system -give sonarcube url & credentials id
For sonarcube scanner: Install tools by install automatically --select from maven --select version
Or else You can install sonarcube scanner in jenkins server itself:
login into jenkins docker
create sonar-scanner directory under /var/jenkins_home
unzip the Sonar Scanner binary:
unzip sonar-scanner-cli-
update Jenkins to point to sonar-scanner binary (Manage Jenkins > Global Tool Configuration > SonarQube Scanner); you will need to uncheck “Install automatically” so you can explicitly set SONAR_RUNNER_HOME as /var/jenkins_home/sonar-scanner-
reference : https://funnelgarden.com/sonarqube-jenkins-docker/
note: Edit sonarcube url in pom.xml
Reference : https://github.com/hakdogan/jenkins-pipeline