Primary LanguageJavaScript


Setting index.html as new Login Page

Recommended: Should be added last after finalizing the Map Application (If application is still using webappbuilder to configure, refer to "Path Fix Step")

Replace index.html file of application

  1. Create new file named "home.html" in same directory as index.html
  2. Copy paste everything in index.html into home.html

Initialize index.html as new Login Page

  1. Copy paste everything from index.html of this repository into the index.html you replaced in the step above
  2. Copy paste all corresponding folders e.g. js, css, scss, images into the same directory as index.html

Path Fix

If application is still using webappbuilder to configure widgets, themes and so on, but you wish to add the replace the login page in, you will need to fix the redirect path on web app builder. (You may have to beautify code for easier search)

  1. Open to WebAppBuilderForArcGIS\client\builder\main.js
  2. Ctrl/Cmd F "_updateAppId:"
  3. Within the function under "b = window.appInfo.appPath + "index.html";", change index to home and save

Using JSON file to loop through categories in Identify Widget

Replace List.js file

  1. Replace the List.js file with the List.js file in this repo under widgets/Identify
  2. Copy paste category.json from the repo into the same directory as List.js

Using JSON file to loop through categories in Classification Widget

  1. Replace the widget.js file with the widget.js file in this repo under widgets/Classification
  2. Replace the widget.html file with the widget.html file in this repo under widgets/Classification
  3. Copy paste layer.json from the repo into the same directory as List.js
  4. Change the JSON id of layers to view add layers function
  5. Attribute name of layer.json must be an exact match to attribute name from the real layer attribute from the request/response

Icons folder contains all stock icons