cd project_directory
# Put All Your Test Files Inside The Inputs Folder
# running with Python
# (linux or unix)
# with running python script you dont need to specify the inputs it will scan all input files inside the inputs Fold
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
# running cpp_src
# in this mode you must specify the input and output file. input file must be inside inputs Folder
make && ./bin/main (place input file here) (place output file here)
# its important input file and output file has same order like input1.txt and output1.txt
# Like
# you need to specify name of file inside the inputs folder cpp will do the rest
# note that output file must have json extension
make && ./bin/main input1.txt output1.json
# running with make
make run ARG1=input1.txt ARG2=output1.json