A customizable Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) measure built with jsPsych

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A customizable Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT) measure built with jsPsych.

Basic installation (using Ubuntu 14.04, Upstart and Nginx)

Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:shamrt/jsPASAT.git

Clone the jsPsych submodule:

git submodule init
git submodule update

Copy the Upstart configuration file (in etc/) to /etc/init, edit it as necessary, and make it executable:

cp etc/upstart.conf /etc/init/jspasat.conf
chmod +x /etc/init/jspasat.conf

Note: See howtonode.org if you have trouble.

Copy the Nginx configuration (modify it, too, as necessary):

cp etc/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/jspasat

Start the project:

start jspasat

Data compilation

To compile the raw data out by jsPASAT, run the following commands (note: python [2.7], pip, and virtualenv are required).

First, setup your virtual environment:

virtualenv env

Next, activate it (note: you'll need to activate each time you open a new terminal window):

# in Linux
source env/bin/activate
# in Windows

Next, install the required python packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally, run the Python script:

python scripts/tidy_data.py

A new file will be created/updated in the data directory.

Run tests

Unit tests for the data compilation code (along with mock data) can be run with the following:

py.test scripts