
VS Code snippets for the QUnit JavaScript testing framework

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

QUnit Snippets for Atom

VS Code Snippets for the QUnit Javascript Testing framework.

Borrows from the QUnit snippets for Atom created by Taylon Silmer.


Below is a list of all available snippets and the triggers of each one. The → means the TAB key.


Trigger Content
module→ module block
test→ test block
atest→ test block (async)
skip→ skip test block


Trigger Content
equal→ assert.equal
deepEqual→ assert.deepEqual
notDeepEqual→ assert.notDeepEqual
notEqual→ assert.notEqual
notPropEqual→ assert.notPropEqual
notStrictEqual→ assert.notStrictEqual
ok→ assert.ok
notOk→ assert.notOk
propEqual→ assert.propEqual
strictEqual→ assert.strictEqual
throws→ assert.throws
async→ assert.async
expect→ assert.expect


Trigger Content
beforeEach→ hooks.beforeEach
before→ hooks.before
afterEach→ hooks.afterEach
after→ hooks.after
abeforeEach→ hooks.beforeEach (async)
abefore→ hooks.before (async)
aafterEach→ hooks.afterEach (async)
aafter→ hooks.after (async)
begin→ begin
done→ done
moduleDone→ moduleDone
moduleStart→ moduleStart
testDone→ testDone
testStart→ testStart
qulog→ log


Trigger Content
dparse dump.parse


MIT © Shane Martin