
university provided latex thesis template

Primary LanguageTeX

Tampere University dissertations using LaTeX

This repository contains a template for writing PhD dissertations in Tampere University using the LaTeX system. The styles used try to match the official Word template as closely as possible (or is worth the while).


This template makes use of both biblatex and glossaries packages, and therefore needs a non-standard compilation sequence. The following should do the trick, as long as your main project file is named main.tex.

pdflatex main.tex
makeindex -s main.ist -t main.glg -o main.gls main.glo
biber main
pdflatex main.tex
pdflatex main.tex

Usage notes

Go ahead and try to compile the template as is. The finished PDF file contains some directions for using the templates. More helpful instructions can be found in the files as comments.

This template is developed and maintained in Overleaf, and checked to compile under TeX Live 2020 (should also compile with up-to-date MikTeX). Please check your LaTeX distribution version and install the newest versions of the following packages if you run into issues while compiling.

  • pdfx, ìnputenc, babel, csquotes, hyperref
  • fontenc, newtxmath, ebgaramond-math, garamondlibre
  • geometry, fancyhdr, setspace, xcolor, titlesec, titletoc
  • enumitem, graphicx, caption, listings, pdfpages
  • biblatex, glossaries
  • accsupp, axessibility, pdfcomment

You can find the template in Overleaf as well. This is, however, the development version and more likely to be unstable or even broken!

Bugs and improvements

Please use the Issues dialogue above if you have found something in the template that needs fixing, or if you have a suggestion for improvement. If you instead have something to ask about the template (clarifications on how to use it, how to accomplish something, etc.), please post your question to Discussions. Be sure to use the Q&A category.

All feedback (preferably in English, Finnish works too) is most welcome!

Version history

Version 2.0
  • Complete overhaul of the citation system, leaving the author in charge of all modifications to the standard styles.
  • Added support for APA 7 and IEEE style citations.
  • Modifications to the abbreviations system in the spirit of the citation system development; more author control.
  • Cleaned up taudissertation.cls.
  • Published in GitHub for better issues handling mechanism.
  • Wrote crude description and usage notes in tex/chapter.tex.
  • Added support for basic accessibility features:
    • Alt texts for images using \pdftooltip{...}{...}
    • Specifying mandatory document metadata
    • Alt texts for mathematics automatically in compatible environments
Version 1.2
  • Fixed a problem with default document class options.
  • Fixed the sorting of own publications in the list of references.
  • NOTICE: publication sorting mechanism in v1.2 is incompatible with that in earlier versions.
Version 1.1
  • Added template for appencides.
Version 1.0
  • First published template.