
Orrlet sample company demo for the upwork portfolio

Primary LanguagePHP


A single Page Application using Vue-router, Laravel & Axios

This is a single page application (SPA) of a company management system for its admin, manager, and the standard employees. Here admin can perform all kinds of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, & Delete) actions and the manager is responsible for handling the employee's tasks. So basically this is a simple dashboard, but the main important factor of this project is, it doesn't refresh the whole page for each request. The Vue-Router makes this webpage like a standalone application, which is obvious for a very large organization.

I used these functionalities and tools to complete this project,

  • Vue-router and Axios (a lightweight promise-based asynchronous HTTP client service)
  • AdminLTE 3 dashboard with vForm validation package
  • Vue-filters and Vue-progress bar package
  • moment.js for timing functions
  • sweet-alert for prompts
  • vue.js custom event handling features
  • Postman app to debug and evaluate client requests
  • Laravel Passport for securing data
  • base64 & Intervention for image uploading and cropping
  • ACL (Access Control List) in laravel - both frontend and backend

User profile & settings User profile & settings

Admin panel for handling employees Admin panel for handling employees

Update user data without page refresh Update user data without page refresh

Dialog using sweet-alert Dialog using sweet-alert

Prompt dialog using sweet-alert Prompt dialog using sweet-alert

Thank you very much! 😃