
a simple library to take an image of a document against a dull, contrasting background, and flatten it to create a scan-like image

Primary LanguagePython

Image Processing Library

The Image Processing Library is a Python library that provides functions for preprocessing images, detecting and approximating corners of objects, and applying perspective transformations.


To use this library, you can install it using pip:

pip install image-processing-library


from image_processing_library import process_image

# Provide the path to the input image
image_path = "path/to/your/image.jpg"

# Process the image


1. preprocessing(image)

Preprocesses the input image by converting it to grayscale, applying Gaussian blur, thresholding, and morphological operations.

morph_image = preprocessing(image)

2. corner_get(morph)

Detects and approximates the corners of the object in the processed image.

corners_result = corner_get(morph_image)

3. warp(image, corners)

Applies a perspective transformation to the input image based on the detected corners.

warp(image, corners_result)

4. process_image(image_path)

Processes an image using the provided image path, combining the above functions.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Make sure to replace the placeholders with the appropriate information, and include a license file (`LICENSE`) with the content of your chosen license (in this case, MIT License). This README provides a basic structure and usage instructions for your library.