Create a folder with a subfolder.
mkdir -p workspace/folder/subfolder
This creates both folder and the subfolder inside it.
ls -lh See file contents and permissions rmdir - remove directories (removes empty folder only)
either be used to name the duplicate, or specify a filepath for the duplicate.
mv is also used to rename files.
mv *.txt Moves all files ending with .txt to filepath. By itself, asterisk indicates all files in the folder.
mv folder/subfolder/* . Moves all the files in subfolder to the current directory (.).
Deletes files.
rm file?.txt ? - wild card character- would delete file1, file2, file3 etc.
rm -r Recursively deletes files inside 'file'
find -name "poe*" Looks for files inside file with names that start with poe
su root Switch to root (admin) user
./ How to run an executable from the command line (executable- can run on its own, without being loaded by another program).
File Permissions
rwx - read, write, execute
In order of User/owner, Group, Others rwx-rwx-rwx owner-group-others
chmod Used to change the file permission by changing the file mode bits
Ways to represent permissions
- Octal notation
- Symbolic notation
Octal Notation- 3 numbers like 777 Each digit represents the privilege breakdown as a sum: Read (4) Write (2) Execute (1) rwx = 7 r-x = 5 r-- = 4
Symbolic User (u), Group (g), Others (o), All classes (ugo) (a) +: adds permission; -: removes permission =: adds permission but removes others
Always chmod filename
Where code is symbolic or octal notation
Pipe character (|)
Used to connect commands together at the command line.
echo "Hello" | wc
Output of wc, word count, is displayed, not the Hello
wc output: (lines) (words) (characters)
cat- Concatenate or print files, used to see contants of a file, or take the contents and pipe them
head, tail can be used to see parts of file, with -n as number of lines
head -n 5 poems.txt
cat poems.txt | cat -n | tail -n 5
Original file content is piped into cat -n command which numbers it, and then tail displays the last 5 lines.
Lets you view a file with a bit of an interface (can use f/b, enter/spacebar)
grep- search files for text matching a regular expression, prints them out
grep -n "the" poems.txt
Shows every line that contains "the", -n adds numbers (case sensitive)
-i arg makes it case-insensitive
Extracts particular data from a file
awk '{print $2}' simple_data.txt
Single quotes contain the awk program
sed - stream editor
Used for changing data
sed s/Orange/Red/ data.txt
Substitutes a string with another string in a file.
sort -k2n data.txt
sort- use K to identify a specific key to sort by.
- k2n sorts by the number values (numeric sort)
- k2 sorts by first character
Vim - i or o to get into insertion mode, arrow keys for navigation
Use escape to get into command mode
:q! to quit without saving
tar files- way of compressing individual files into one
ls 1>filelist.txt
Writes stdout to a file instead of displaying on screen
is redirect