DIGIT Test Automation Framework Setup guide

Table of Contents

About The Project

DIGIT Test Automation framework majorly deals with various API services validation. It enables to test and validate back end services across all active environments and as well as tenant ids. For more details on framework architecture please refer the documentation. For guide on Kafka Producer Consumer approach, please refer to documentation

Technology Used

Dependencies Used

In this section we have listed down some of the major libraries which is being used by the test automation framework as a maven dependency that is defined in pom.xml.

  • karate-core : To provide core features of karate.
  • karate-junit4 : To facilitate JUnit testing this dependency is required.
  • karate-gatling : To perform API Performance test. For more details on performance test with karate, checkout here
  • karate-apache : To make use of karate in maven project.
  • karate-netty : To mock API calls locally. For more details please checkout here
  • cucumber-jvm-parallel-plugin : To facilitate parallel execution.
  • poi and poi-ooxml : To work with the latest and older versions of excel file.
  • log4j-api : An interface that handles logs.
  • allure-junit4 : To facilitate Test Reports along with JUnit runner.
  • allure-cucumber4-jvm : To facilitate Test Reports along with Cucumber JVM and helps to log feature file steps into the test report.

Getting Started

This framework requires below prerequisites to be covered


To set up this framework, two mandatory softwares need to be installed into the system. Follow below step by step setup guidelines.

On Windows

On Mac

Clone Project

To clone the framework to your local, please follow the below step.

  • Open git bash or any other terminal and execute the below command to clone the project repository in the system
git clone https://github.com/egovernments/test-automation.git


Application Level

  • Create role action mapping as per the requirement
  • Create a new user as per the mapped role
  • Disabled the resource creation rate limit for the environment where the automation scripts will be executed
  • Configure and deploy Kafka REST Proxy tool in the environment with other services. Kafka Cluster can be accessed through proxy API created by kafka REST Proxy.
  • Currently kafka related testcases will not run as we are waiting for the latest version of the tool to be releases officially.

Project Level

Environment configuration files needs to be created in local by following below steps.

  • Create environment specific files with .yaml extension anywhere in the local directory
  • It is recommended to provide environment specific names to the files (like: qa.yaml, uat.yaml, config.yaml etc.)
  • Please keep the environment specific data in the config file as per below format.

For example

 host: <Host URL goes here>
 # This parameter is used in authorization header
 basicAuthorization: <Basic Authorization Encoded String goes here>
 # This parameter will be removed once kafka rest proxy is accessible
 localhost: http://localhost:8082/
 # This parameter is used to mock kafka test cases until the kafka rest proxy 6.2 is released
 mockHost: https://e5a23525-a2d2-42d3-b518-2761de88655c.mock.pstmn.io/
 # This parameter is used to check the kafka offset movement threshold percentage
 kafkaOffsetThresholdPercentage: 75
 stateCode: pb
 cityCode: amritsar
 # Super User credentials for login(need to create user manually)
   userName: <username goes here>
   password: <password goes here>
   type: EMPLOYEE
 # Employee username and password to update an existing user's profile (need to create user manually)
   userName: <username goes here>
   password: <password goes here>
   type: EMPLOYEE
 # Citizen's username and password needed for Property End to End flow (need to create user manually)
   userName: <username goes here>
   password: <password goes here>
   type: CITIZEN
 # Alternate Citizen's username and password needed for Transfer Ownership of Property (need to create user manually)
   userName: <username goes here>
   password: <password goes here>
   type: CITIZEN
 # Counter Employee's username and password, required for multiple use (need to create user manually)
   userName: <username goes here>
   password: EMPLOYEE
   type: <user type goes here>
   userName: <username goes here>
   password: <username goes here>
   type: CITIZEN

List Of Tags

Please use the appropriate tags to execute tests based on the requirement.

Core services tags

Tags Description
@reports Reports tests
@url_Shorterning_Invalid Url Shortening
@Searcher Searcher tests
@location Location tests
@localization Loacalization tests
@userotp User OTP tests
@eGovUser User profile update tests
@accessControl Access control tests
@mdmsService MDMS tests
@userAccountAfterLock User Account After Lock tests
@zuul Zuul tests
@eGovPdf PDF Service tests
@idGenerate ID generation tests
@egovWorkflowBusniessService eGov Workflow tests
@fileStore File store tests
@pgservices PG Service tests
@encService Enc Service tests

Business services tags

Tags Description
@apportionService Apportion tests
@dashboardAnalytics Dashboard Analytics tests
@egfMaster EGF Master tests
@egfInstrument EGF Instrument tests
@dashboardIngest Dashboard Ingest tests
@hrms HRMS tests
@collectionServices Collecetion Service tests
@billingServiceDemand Billing Demand tests
@billingServiceBill Billing Service tests

Municipal services tags

Tags Description
@propertyServices Property Tax tests
@bpaCalculator BPA Calculator tests
@bpaService BPA tests
@dcrService DCR tests
@eGovUserEvent eGov User Event tests
@fireNOCBillingFeature FireNOC Calculator tests
@fireNocService FireNOC tests
@landService Land Service tests
@NOCService NOC Service tests
@PGRService PGR Service tests
@propertyCalculator Property Tax Calculator tests
@fsmService FSM Service tests
@fsmBillingSlab FSM Calculator tests

Service Category Tags

Tags Description
@coreServices Runs all services under core services
@businessServices Runs all services under business services
@municipalServices Runs all services under municipal services
@e2eServices Runs all e2e service tests

Test Category Tags

Tags Description
@regression Runs all regression tests across all services
@smoke Runs all smoke tests across all services (coming soon)

E2E service tags

Tags Description
@propertyTaxEndToEnd Property Tax and mCollect tests
@tradeLicenseEndToEnd Trade License mdms tests
@wsEndToEnd Water and Sewerage tests
@fsmEndToEnd FSM tests
@pgrEndToEndFlow PGR tests
@firenocEndToEnd FireNOC tests
@bpae2eservice BPA tests

Kafka Service tags

Tags Description
@kafkaServices Runs all kafka releated services(coming soon)


To start the test execution in local,

  • Open command prompt or terminal
  • Navigate to project folder and execute,
mvn clean test "-DconfigPath= <path of the environment config. file>" "-tags=@<tag1,tag2>"

For example

mvn clean test "-DconfigPath= /User/apple/Documents/config.yaml" "-Dtags=@searchMdms,@eGovUser"


Follow below step to find location of reports generated post test execution to analyze the results.

Cucumber HTML Report

  • A folder with timestamp will be created under ./target/.
  • Navigate to ./target/<timestamp>/cucumber-html-reports
  • Open overview-features.html

A snapshot is attached for reference.

Screenshot 2021-03-16 at 1 25 31 PM

Extent HTML Report

  • A folder with extent-reports will be created under ./target/.
  • Navigate to ./target/extent-reports/
  • Open eGov_Extent_Report_<timestamp>.html

A snapshot is attached for reference.

  • Dashboard View -

Dashboard View

  • Tagwise/Modulewise View -

Tag Or Module View

  • All Tests View -
