
Pre requisites:

To run the program make sure Python3.4+ is installed , git installed, tkinkter GUI is enabled in python installation and python is added to PATH

Additionaly you need to have a twilio account to get the auth token and auth sid. you can get it from https://www.twilio.com/

file changes:

You need to add your email address and password in ttsv2.py and emailAPI.py and readmail.py files at the prompted locations. You need to add your twilio details at the prompted locations in sms.py, ttsv2.py and whatsapp.py


git clone the entire repository into your system.

git clone https://github.com/SiDdHaRtHrAjDaSh/hci-review3

run command

pip install -r requirements.txt

once all dependencies are installed open the file ttsv2.py and run it with an IDE